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Show 1V: it&" c Special to The Tribune. tk PARK CITY, July 21- The Wopes's jY : Athenaeum met at tho home of Mrs, Charles l!c ,0 Shields Monday after a receas of elx weeks. jv AS The socrctary read a letter from Mrs. 0. F. Hit Kinney of Salt Lake regarding tho Fedora-tf. Fedora-tf. Al lioa, which will mot nt Park City In Octo-L'i'' Octo-L'i'' ' ncr. Mr. M. P. Allen appointed tho follow-JSk' follow-JSk' inS ladles ns members of the advisory board Mrr7 '. for the reception of the guests In October: Mrs. F. W. Hayt, Mrs. D. O. Orablll, Mn. M A. R. Wnotcr, Mrs. Charles Khlolds and Mr a, l Alien, who is a member of the G. I. of . O. A fhort mualcal programme was given as foi l lows, after which light refreshments wero I''"' survml; Pinno saloction, Miss Horenco I Hurlbut of Salt Lake: duot, Mlascs Laura M y Townsond aud Ituth Wilson; vocat solo, Mrs. I, S C. F. Goist; reeitntion, Mrs. E. O. vhito- f head; pinno soleetion, -Miss Floronoa liurlbut; HBf iluut. Misses Jcaimin Sherman and Florence Hlf liurlbut: vocal solo, Mrs. 0. F. (iolsl, Miss H Laura Townsuud, accoinpnnlst. Mrs. A. R. By? Wceter, thr nowly olectcd prcsldont of the vVonian'R Athenaeum, was lntroduood by tho fl rotlring officer, who, in n few well chosen remarks, presented to tho lattor In behalf of the club a magnificent bouquet of rod ana white sweet peas tied with the club colors, 1 f red and white. The hostess wan assisted in corvine bv tho -ladies of tiro club, and tho littlo Misses Grace Wallace of Salt Lake. Tessie McLaughlin. Joannio Sherman and Francos Shields. Thoso prescpt were: Mrs. A. It. Wooter, Mrs. .lean Hampton, Mrs M. F. Allen. Mrs. F. W. Hayi, Mrs. A. A. Pike. 1 Mrs. John Diom, Mrs. L. E. Hubbard, Mrs. L C. M. Wilson, Mrs. F. L. l'elorson, Mrs. II. 1 W. Culbortaon, Mrs. J. .1. Frankel, Mrs. L. 0. Whitehead, Mrs. J. Thompson, Mrs. W. IH D. Sutton. Mra. M. K. Kirk, Mrs. V. ouni- bnr'. Mrs. R. D- Robins, Mrs. 0. Andnis. l Mrs. AV. J. Buok, Mrs. F. W. Sherman, Mrs J. Welsh, Mrs. L. 1). Gray, Mrs. 0. F. Gout, Mrs. P. H, Towoy, Mrs. F. M. Smith, Mrs. Scott of Salt Lake. Mra. K. L. Abbot. Mrs. 1 Bthel Moyers of Salt Lake. Ml5ses Laura Townseud. Rnlh Wilson, Tcssln Lambert, Florence Talbot. Florence Kurlbut and Mlsa Clara Fargo of Pocatello, Ida. Miss Itoso Goist was guest of honor at a l charmingly arranged party Riven nl tho homo - of Miss l?nid Jtlioy Thursday evanlng. Iho Lf5- large lawn was brilliantly lighted with Ohi- p neho lunlorns and olectric lights, and all sorts H ; of amusing gaiugs wore indulged in by tho H 1 1 inorry crowd of young people A short rausi- H on I prosramme was liatcucd to. delicious re- j fro8hmcn(s wcrn served, nnd prixes In tho H contcst.s wcro awarded to Miss Grace Stringer H nnd Karl Stanley. Tho charming hostess H was ntsistod in entertaining the company H by the Misses P.hen Riley, vera Lowo and H Teresa Quinn. thn pleasant event closing H with the dancing of the Virginia reel. Those H who enjoyed Miss Ktild's hospitality, liosidcc H ho honored ruohI, wero the Mis-s Anna H Pun, France Shields, Olllo Smith, Ruth M Bates, Ilirdio Dcatty. Kmlly Foster, Marin H Uorrv, Dura JCrnns, Annio Wilson, Lorotta HHI Jennings, Vina Mawhinuey, Mabel Carpon- H tcr, Grace Strlncor, ElcniiQr Wright, Itcssle Ctihliintc .leannio Sherman, .Marion Mcl'.wnn, Louise McKwan, labcll Ilrccn, Kmlly Smith; 1 Messrs. Nnrrls Gclach. Perry Raker. .arl H Stnnlrv, Cliailos Uartwell, Lcland Williamr, H Otto l'ape. Emmet Slihdds, Fred Green, Dick Smith, John Simmons. Myron Watson, Mike H Oliver, Dcrnard Woods. H Miss Grace W'allnco nnd David Gelcer of H Salt Lako were tho recipients of a jolly pio- H nic (rlvon over on tho I'rovo rivor on Tucsiliiy, H whor! an unusually pleasant day was ipcut B by all. The party of young people, aceom- B pnniad by n chaperon, left tho city at 7 a. in.. ruturninr; in the uvoninc nt fi. Boaidu i)u: j honored gnents. there were present llio Misses I PBBpBpj Gortrudo and Tcsslo McLaushlln. Sualo nnd H Lizzie Shields Rose Goist, Knid Kiloy, Emily J Foster, Flnrcuco Talbot. Jcunnlo bli.utnnn, J Frances Shiolds, and tho Misses I'l'iriineo 1 Hurlbut, Marion McKwan and Margaret Wut- PBPBH sou, all of Salt Lake, and J, Gcigor Shields. H Miss Frances Shields entortainod a small j company of friends Munday cvoninp in honor nf Miss Grace Wallace of Salt Lako. Those , j prusoul wcro tho Mioses Miriam Raddon, Gertrude McLaughlin Marion McVwnn, Uor- j loiibu Lockhart. Tossic McLaughlin, Jcanniu j Shurinan and Florence Hurlbut of Salt Lako. H Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Goist served Welsh J rarebit to, thn following friends Sunday avcnlnR: Mr. nnd Mrs. 1. W. Sherman. Mr. and Mrs. U. D. Robins, Mr. and Mra. B. L. Uriptts,' Mr. and Mrs- Charles Shields, Mrs. pipijl 11. V. Culbcrtson and J, A. Malia. H Mrs. P. 11. Tnwny chaporonod a party of I younp: people to Brighton Vodnosday, where ' 1 u must enjoyable day was spont. Amonp tho I j friends proxent vero tho Misses 'Clara ICim- ' ball, Hhi-a Riley. Ilruiol Roy, Crescent Smith, , Ada Kimball, Clirista Cnrrol, Irm.i Kvans, J Miss Swan and Mr. Kimball. H A lur,u number nf intinicto friends of Mr. and Mrs. 0. F. Goist nro mnkinc prepara- linns for a farewell party to bo given nl Jin- j niinic hall Monday evening. HI Tho Ladies' Aid socloy of the M. K. j church enjoyed n social In the assembly roomx Wudiiosdny evening. A tislipond was on.o j( thn important features of the nvon- J nip's pleasure. H Mrs. C. M. Wilson entertained tho mem- befs of her Sunday-School class Friday after- J noon in honor of Miss Hose Goist, who loaves spQii for Missouri to visit relatives. H Little Miss Jreno JofTord ontortnlned a I dozen fr'icnds at a birthday party Tuesday afternoon, tho event bain; hor 'sixth an- nlvmsiiry. Games, music and light rcfrcsh- menls wore onjoyed by the merry voting- H . Mr. and Mrs. Uuiiiiinchani, MisBCit Minnie I and Kathoryn Ounninchnm and Mrs. Siugcrv I of Salt Lake spout Wednesday nt the Ho'l H Mr. and Mrs. 0. F. Goist and daughter I were quests of honor at a prettily appointed l dinner given by Mr. aud Mrs. R. D. Robins Wednesday evening, H .Mrs; A.' It. Wceter entertained the follow I lug friends very informally Thursday after. I noun: Mrs. Jean Hampton aud little dnugh- 1 tor, Mrs. II. W, Culbcrtson. Mra, Ethel Mey- I era 'of Salt Lake, Miss Florence Hurlbut. J Miss Tessie Lambert. H 'Mr. -and-Mr. M. U. Short entertained nt iffffB dinner Tuesday evening in compliment to I Salt Lako visitors. Tho board was prettily 1 arranged with roses and arouiwl it v.'cre seated Mr. nnd Mrs. V. Youngbcri;, Mr. and I Mrs. H. McEwan, Mrs. M. E. Kirk of L-nlt H Lake, Mr. and Mrs. J. Webb. H Miss Louise McEwan camo out from the city Thursday morning for a visit with rein-1 rein-1 B Miss Amber Bardsley lft for c.nuthrrn Utah Thursday afternoon. R Miss Ruth Wilson went over to Brighton Wednesday to join hor sitters, Mian May I Wllsgn nf Kw York State and Mra. C. T j of SaU Lake. Mrs. G. Scott nf Salt Lake Is visiting In B J?mri witJi her sister, Airs, A. 'A. Piko. H Mrf. W. .1. Srhmidlapp and daughter, Miss Millie, of Cincinnati, nro visiting at (he I -Silver King Consolidated with relatives. H Mrs. George Lindsay his returned to Park K I from Salt Lake. H Mrs, Ethel Meyers of Sail Like i the a guot of Mrs, Jean Hampton. B Miss Margaret Watinn roturned to the city Wednesday after a pleaiant visit with a tho MissoR Susie and Liziia Shlelda. H Mrs. E- J Bcggs camo out from the city I Thursday, accompanied by little Lois Lock- j hsrt, who will romaln here for a short time. H The Misses Margaret and Jnie Ximmo , leavo for Pocatello today for a two weeks' with H Mrs. E. K. V.'nrd and aon, Milten, loft for jl Kansas Monday for a two weeks' ttay with Dr. and Mrs. Danuonborg. H Mrs. Kate Thomson departed for Denver on Saturday for a thrue weeks' visit with H '' Rer, and Mrs. D. Q. Grablll returned from I Dsnvor Friday evoning, whqre they spent the H 1 Mrs. Ban B. Shields and mother, Mrs. i Charles Watson, of nail Lake, came out from tho city Wednesday, B Miss Marian MoEwan returned to her home BHHHHHv' In the city Friday, after a most delightful ricit with Mr. and Mrs. F. McEwan. I Mrs. Thomas Wilson and daughter, Hil- dred, went down to tho metropolis Tuesday for a thort stay with friends. , A special mooting of tho Y. G. G. club was held at tha homo of Miss Olive Smith Friday BBBBBBv . evening. Ralph Townsend returned to Park Tues BBBBBBI.1 day after a pleasant visit of three weeks with Mr. and Mrs. F. Schuyler. BHHHHHa Mrs. J. Jensen and littlo daughter re- BHHHHHh turnod from tho metropolis Friday morning. |