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Show BIG BENEFIT GAME. Monday's Bouofit Contest Promises to Bo a Hummer. Special to Tho Tribuno, OGDEN, July 21, At C o'clock Monday, July 23, tho Columbia clubs. Max Davidson's toam aud tho John S. Lowis toam, will play a match gamo at Qlcnwood park. Tho gamo is for tho bonoflt of Jack Henry, formerly Ogdon'n fuinouH catcher, and able yot to do tho stunt, whoso wifo died recently, after n lingering llluess. Tho affection of tho Ogden bunch for tho old boy, who will again shortly tako his old placo, dictates this action, nnd a ;ood crowd will bo present. On Tuosday, July 2i, tho Columbias will moot the Park City minors in one gr.mc at Glonwood. ' 0 |