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Show I a ' BUT PROPERTY IS ! j MUCH SHIPPING ORE V 1 Fine Tonnage Is Dercloped on ' 0. i : Portion of Nevada-Utah b5?V Possessions. Hpt ') ! " COL. WEIK RETURNS j M FROM PIOCHE CAMP I"" Property Owners Are Awaiting a,, Definite News of Railroad f ' : " From Caliente. Col. John Weir, prenldont of tho Ne- J vadA-Utnh company, and Genoral Man ager Bolmeidor arrived Friday evening from tholr southern possessions aftor i spending BOTeral weoka attending to tho matter of railroad extonslons from Cal-I Cal-I lento to Plocho, and tho dovolopment of , ' tho proportion within the control of the organisation. "While neither gentleman had any additional Information to vouch-. vouch-. safe In rocard to tho building of tho f x Plocho branch. It was Tldont both woro ' ' Rroatly pleased with tno prosont physical I Mr. Bchnoldcr stated that tho work of j preparing tho formor workinga of tlio I'loche properties for diligent operations t had been completed, and for some tltno r past tho management has been sinking the main shafts to great depths, Ono t shaft la down to tho 1500-foot lovol, and a oooond In bolng extended from tho SOO to tho lCOO-foot levels. Tho Dny I f mine, at Royal City, distant from Plocho eighteen mllos, and oonnoctod by rail with tho latter camp, ban a largo ton-1 ton-1 nago of diver, load and coppor oro j ready for tho market, there being a flno tonnago developed which is Ideal fluxing 1 rock. 3 Manager Sehnolder states that thoro nro a largo number of people coming Into I IMocho in anticipation of tho railroad, and whllo thoro was much activity displayed dis-played on several dlfforont properties . aside from their own, most of the Inter ests nro waiting for tho railroad to ho extended Into tho camp or for dcflnlto : announcement to that effoot. It Is not genorally known that tho grading for this road is completed for about threo-fourths of tho way, this work having boen done yearn ago. i Col. Wolr left Saturday afternoon for the East. |