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Show WEEK ON 'CHANGE. Records of last Year Continue to Bo Broken on Exchaugo. Business was modcratoly brisk Saturday Satur-day on tho local exchango. May Day and New York wore tho favorlto stocks for trading, whllo Honorlno, Daly-Judgo, Thompson, Nevada Hills and Carlsa wero In demand. Honorino reached tho $2.25t mark during tho session. During tho day a total of 1S.975 Ehares wero sold, representing a market value of $13,2-13.02, Comparisons are never odious odi-ous when they are favorable, and tho difference between tho week Just ended and tho snmo week of last year affords an Interesting contrast over tho prosperity pros-perity of Inst year. For tho week ondlng youtorday, a total of 190,927 sharos passod hands. TheBo had a market valuo of $157,030. 03. Tho snmo week of 1905 there wore 101,797 shares of stock exchanged, theso having a market valuation of $47,098.11. Next Monday and Tuesday will bo holidays on tho local exchango. Tho quotations for tho day and week closed as follows: 1 Bid. AskcdT AJax .... $ .21 $ .23 Ali:o 2.50 3.00 Boston Con 2U.50 Bullion-Beck 2.50 S.50 Bock Ttuincl ,73 .80 Butler-Liberal 00 Ji .10 Blnck Jack .60 Cnrisa 24 'j .2CJ Con Mereur ..JO .53 Contury .00 .10 Crcolo .... .00 Oyclono ,03 .OG1 Daly l.SO 1.45 Daly-.Tudgo 10.25 10.75 Daly AVcat 10.00 17.00 Dalton 00J4 Bnglo Ss Blue Boll 2.00 2.75 Emernld .00 Grand Central 8.45 3.05 Horn Silver 1.75 2.50 Ingot , .Ol1 .02Vi Too Bowers 02 Littlo Boil ". .Ga$ 10.50 " Littlo Ghiof 02 V- .03'i juvur wiimuuui ...... .-In'' .DO Mummoth 1.70 190 May Day 53 ,12 1 iow York .30 ,31 Ontario .... 2.75 4.00 Bocco-ilomostako .25 Richmond-Anaconda .... .032 '. I Swanson ..! .25 .50 Sacrnnioato .00 .10l4 Silvor Kinp 20.00 25.00 ' Smr Consulidatod ' .10 .11 Silver Shield .. ...... .07 Totro 15 .19 Unitod Statos 54.00 Uncle Sam Con .45' .40 Ha!l , 1-05 1.22 Victoria 2.50 2.75 Victor Con 02'- .03 "Wabash CO 1.00 Yankoo Cons .33 .35 TONOPAII STOCKS. I Bid. J Akil. Goldon Anchor .47 77777777 Golden Crown .14 .36 Jim Butlor 1.05 1.15 MncN'nmarn ..... .... .00 .70 Montana Tonopnh 2.75 2.85 Xorth Star .10 .45 Ohio Tonoriah .25 .29 Tonopah Common 13.00 1S!00 Tonopah Bolraont 4.70 5 00 Tonopah Extension .... 5.60 ....... Tonopnh Midway 2.07V 2 17U "West End -. 2.25 20 GdLDFIELD STOCKS. 1 Bid. I Asked. Atlanta ,ifi 7l9 Blue Bull .10 "ij Dlnm-Bl Butto Con 30 Disin .00 ",bb" Goldfiold Bolmont 37 Goldflcld Bonanza 05' Goldtlold M of Nov 80 35 Goldtiold Daisy 15 . Jurabo,, 30 "'38" Kendall j(j Mohawk 1.50 l'cA 1'alncu GoldQold if, Bed Top 1.05' 120 Bandstorm .45 r.o Silvor Pick "22 o St. Itos 8.j BULLFKOG STOCKS! I Bid. I Atkod. " Bullfroc Nat Bnnk 33 44 Denver Bullfroc 150 c,,iP8 78" '80 Gold Bar i.05 1.15 Montgomery !tn 31 .35 Original Bullfrog ...... .12 15 Tramp i,15 lV MANHATTAN STOCKS. I Bid. I Asked." Grmny GMCo 10 "n Juxnpinc Jock , ,13 '00 Manhattan Con 03 '7H. Munhatan Dostor ...... ,J2 Manhattan 1j Joo ,08 00 Manhattan Pino Nut....' .17 "bo Scyler-Hmaphroy 15 "13 MORNING SALES. Crisft. 1000 t 25c; bu7r sixty days. Mny Day, 500 at 12c, 500 ot X2V-o. Star Con, COO at 10 e. Undo Sam. 200 at 451x0. Shares sola. 2700. Soiling value, $521.00. Ol'EN BOARD. Columbus Con, 50 nt $7.65. Daly-Jadgo. 125 ot $ 10.02. Honerino, 100 nt S2.52, 1300 at 52.00. Lower Mammoth, 100 nt 50c, buyer sixty dayH. ' May Day, 500 at 12 o, 500 at 18o, 8500 at 13 c. , - New I'orlc, 1000 at 30c, buyor thirty days; 2700 at 30c, 500 at 20Vic, lolUr aixt-r dar-500 dar-500 nt 29 Vic. scllor thirty duyt. Novada LlUls, 300 at $2.35. seller sixty days; 1200 at $2.40, 500 at ?2.2. Thompson. 3U00 r.t 32c. Shares sold, 10,275. Soiling valuo, ?12,722,62. Tntnls for tho wok, 190,027 shares at 5157.035.03. |