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Show I" AMERICAN FORK ORE. Frank Daniels Has Fivo Claims Show- ( ing Very Good Prospects. News of renewed activity on properties long Idle In scores of Utah mining camps t Is a matter of dally occurrence, and In i' the long list of districts that display now orgaulzatlons endeavoring to develop bonanzas out of their possessions, tho namo of Amorlcau Fork Is not a stranger. Frank Daniels, who hn3 owned American 1 Fork property for sevoral years, has re- 7 turned from his ground with snmplcs of galena oro thnt Illustrate tho possibilities possibili-ties of tho property and ontlro region. Tho ground within Mr. Daniels' lines Is I composed of Ave full claims north of tho C 'Wyoming property, tho latter doing not T a Httlo towards drawing public atten tion to the uegltictcd, but undoubted mln-urnl mln-urnl rcfioruces of tho district. Across theso fivo claims, which aro on what In known as Mineral Flut, runs a vein f llvo feet In width, and from which Mr. j. DanlolR took oro from tho surface that should go In tho neighborhood of $100. No assays have been made as yet, but will be by the first of tho present" week, x This oro is rich In sliver and load. In , which oan bo scon a small amount of " coppor. Mr. Dnnlols, who la an old Co- 1 lumbus Cousolidatod miner, statod Satur day thnt tho oro from his American Fork property resembles that from tho fnmous Alta mlno. The Immcdiato vicinity ot IhcBo claims has providod cotiKlderablo food for shipments In the days gono by. and Mr. Daniels and hlu associates, all of whom aro Ealt Lako pooplo, aro pro-paring pro-paring to got to work earnestly to seek tho lowor lovols of their 3S3eaolons. n Th Amorloan Fork district Is sending r ''i oro to tho local market continually, c and there ie an unusual amount of ac tivity being displayed on all sides. |