Show REMOVE TRE THE BURDEN if there is time before the close ot of the legislature we would suggest tto to that august body that they consider the plausibility of changing tile the act revenue law so as to exempt from taxation a mans mail household effects to the value of at least one hundred dollars dollar we believe under the present condition of the peoples people that this would be a just move and one that will meet with the approval of almost eiery everybody body in the neighboring states there is no statutory provision ie quiring the taxpayer tu to inventory his household furniture un oil assessment blanks as in our state and no tax is required to be paid on a man mans table and chair stove and sewing machnic machi iC or other necessary leffeck cj fill i family use ilse it is all that ft i couil wany many heads of fai families nilles can flo do to raise money to pay their taxes tin nil their other personal property and what litt little lereal real estate they may fortunately tuna tely have the state wailly be the loser loer to but a very small extent it a i change as suggested nas as made rind and it would be a blessing to poor families who ire are now smuggling gling to eke out mean of subsistence jt ought not to require any extensive argument to convince any legislator legi lator of fit the justness of this suggestion and consequently should take but little time to pass a bill covering the ground mentioned we recommend the matter to our iti ilon I 1 D S conic cocik and feel confident that if theio theia is any merit in our suggestion and we feel that there is he will be only too billin Ni milling llin to t give the matter hi his personal and prompt attention |