Show 1 I V ngoat iny nobody does aytha ay anything well for bolh ing and certainly not a lawyer lord blansfield was so go sensible of this hit when an in one occasion be had to attend to some professional bit business I 1 siness of his M own he took some guineas out of hit his purse and put them into his wal al stroll pocket to give hirthe his the requisite sir anthony malone an irish attorney general was eo 60 imprudent as to omit this precaution and VM aas grievously punished forit for it helas lie was so inattentive regarding some property he bought for himself that he lost a year byll in future he caused his clerk to mackean abstract of the title of any property he bought and lay it before him A ill a ft ace of 5 guineas properly indorsed endorsed indor sed which the clerk was scrupulously scrupulous iv I 1 to account for after which sir anthony made no more mistakes as re regarded added at t least hit own affairs exchange |