Show 1 I hat barre foot itne knee salt lake feb 28 A spec special fal to the herald says A lot of butte sports were beautifully taken in again today on a foot race about a week ago a man giving his name as john IT II smith came to butte bulte from salt lake and got in with the firemen of 0 the city ile he said he was war a professional toot loot racer and they soon roon got up tip a match with W wes a barnaman an ambitious barber who had friends with money smith agreed with barnaman to let the latter win in the race and even signed articles of agreement to that effect which were deposited with duncan mcgregor the barbers backer mcgregor then covered all the money the firemen could raise he being ure sure ot of winning ile he also bet of the money deposited with him by smiths backers and when the race came off this afternoon smith ran away from barnaman and won the race with wit such recklessness and disregard for the agreement he had signed that barna man an and his backers nearly dropped dead mcgregor could not pay back the money deposited with him and there Is is liable to be trouble |