Show born to the wife of J C farner a boy bov weight eleven pounds 3 rother and child doing well and fattier father proud and happy as tins this is the first boy we lave have another store in garden city which has been opened this week eek by our genial friend and townsman ir geor geore geoage e hall this is as it should be a as garden city needs more merchants mei chanta mr john t returned turned le from green river rici saturday he lias has been superintending super intending the construction conati action of a I 1 ar irga ge boom across the ri ernei er the epidemic of coughs colds and sore that has reigned here FO feu long is la now dying out and good health prevails Jils once more our school asin is in a prosperous condition with a lar lare e attendance the children chiljian chil Jien aie receiving good ins instruct tracton on under mr air L B laker the weather here is very fine snow melting last fast along tile ilia roads and sidewalks W L PUI garden city utah march 2 1807 1897 |