Show NOTICE TICE FOR publication no unit united states land oell office ace 1 silt sail lalo lake city utah 7 M 0 NOTICE ia i hereby g bivon jvon that clio following named tia ineil settlor has filed gotico of her intention to lamake make final proof in support of her claim and that hat t sold earl proof will bo be mild mad before the clerk ot of the ta 0 court of rich co utah at randolph utah ut alion on april 3 viz ANNIE C on lr l r desert I 1 s t lund land entry no for the N W W viv k 8 w 14 see 1 tp 11 N R 7 11 sho she names the following to prove her continuous residence upon find cultivation of said land viz mcminn thomas thomaa wilson archibald mckinnon james conger au all ot of randolph utah dinov bro groo Pe register gister first publication march 5 1897 THEATRE the Diania dianiatis tic event of the season will lie be the by the randolph dramatic ti troop aop saturday mar fth of the popular drama L RITU FP I 1 N P jl au r T 4 in full of roaring fun and thrilling incidents all the Character ers are either very fundy or deiy strong Z CAST morris mauland Malt land A stern puritan whose word is ia law wm win T rex reginald maitland ills his son line of natures noblemen robt mckinnon henry lowville A little soured against the female sex hex jno mckannon ralph murdell A smooth tongued scoundrel A E bluish colonel morrell A true soldier A mckinnon jr aco W V Dollar clutch an ali eccentric lawyer emanuel tyson sammy dewdrop Bew drop alie tlc son of 0 a millionaire levi 0 fead jr adolphus Adolp lius ills his chum A G rex wellington who never smiles lem adrienne lowville A proud impulsive beauty miss liss maud laud hilda wallace her maid an all innocent victim miss aliss franck franci i corless Corl anastasia maitland altland INT A gushing maid of forty tive live summers miss misa M peterson guests soldiers etc etc TICKETS 23 RESERVED SEATS 33 35 CENTS doors oper T p m Cur curtain tair up at 8 brim ERES THE PRICES I 1 pt tin cups each acts 2 acts 10 qt galvanized pails 26 acts I 1 qt 7 17 med size bread raisers 60 1 qt grai grad me measures 7 77 21 qt bread raiders 85 I 1 pt dippers 5 15 11 17 qt hinsin rinsing 0 pans 25 2 0 qt t tea A coffee pots 10 21 qt rinsing pans 35 4 20 17 tin sprinklers lers t 30 10 to 60 71 6 iu in pie plates 2 P F D bowl BONA pitcher set 65 17 8 in milk strainers 10 L 11 II steel fry pans 25 7 6 qt milk pails 10 tumblers per doz oz only 45 10 1 ti t 0 i 20 0 thunder mu mus mugs ar s 70 71 3 qt rice boilers 80 7 in dinner plates set 4 42 27 4 qt tin saucepans 16 chamber pails 40 muffin pans 10 Re tinned wash basins lo 10 lar large 1 are dover ega egg beaters 10 10 qt milk pans per doz spring aprin balance 25 lbs ibs 15 1 gall rice boilers spring balance 50 lbs ibs 30 bird csigas boges 70 cents to can openers 5 6 white ewer ind and basin per set largest larest in tubs 85 these prices for cash ony Only ma PEI HK M I 1 III n br 0 Is A IL 4 mer co evanston wyo headquarters for foi 4 J dmn amun X the the BOSS BOSS is is the the BEST BESTS BEST the li lightest beest running simplest ind and most efficient washing machine ever made hade E every very one using them is delighted 0 no home hoine should be without one send for prices and besci description option LU aa A at j lej by A L 1 all D E J J R are arc bu buyers y ers of farm farin produce of ei every very kind direct from the farmer bing alu 0 31 Y you 0 TL hides I 1 headquarters for foe B ij ai n h A S rj u P ag pi yg 1 10 mcl 1 si 1 n aj y this spring an entire new stock of Clo clothing clothie thim 11 is put in at prices that will astonish the line hue of gents all wool suits at to in blacks and fancy cloths claths are actually as good as those formerly sold at 1200 to 1500 just arrived a carload car load of barb wire get our prices aliey are the lowest JUST RECEIVED A CARLOAD OF A U 0 mn L X 0 4 AND AD CUTTERS write for prices before buying prices guaranteed is as low oi as the lowest grain taken in exchange ETan Eyan sion imp lela le la en i |