Show GARDEN CITY GLINTS A celebration in honor of president wilford woodruffs rs birthday was hell held in the meeting maclin house at ten the house was well filled with brethren sisters and friends the exercises consisted of olies upon tile the life and works of president woodruff fr songs recitations citations ic etc the tong bong which was WAB written lor for the occasion was very nicely reri rendered Jered the day was felt hy by all present to be a lay day of arid and thanksgiving to our heavenly father that he bo hus has sparel spared the life of our venerable president to attain to the ripa a age ae e of ninety years may god permit him to live yet v et many years to lead and direct the latter day dav saints is the prayer of tile the saints in ill garden city tho the health of tile the people of 0 the he ward is is at present very good we have plenty of banow for sleigh sleighing in 7 and tile the roods roads from here to montpelier are excellent bro J C farrier farner ii as happy as a child with a new nev toy we may say lie has a new toy in the shape ot of a twelve pound son this is the sixth child but the first boy JOHN 31 ALLEN gaiden city utah march 1 1897 |