Show WISE WORDS cheerful giving always makes the giver rich unless the heart first gives what the hand bestows bestons in not a gift dont try to be an assistant I 1 ook book keeper to the recording angel when praise Is going up showers of blessings are sure to be coining down when we have a keen eye for the tau faults its of others we are apt to be blind to our own A right state of heart cannot be maintained without keeping a close watch on the tongue nearly everybody has more trouble erasing the cost mark on a prasert than he has selecting it every woman has an idec that it ought to be a pleasure for a man to work for money for her to spend time Is infinitely long and each day is ie a vessel in which a great deal may be poured if we actually fill it up the best flatterer is the man or woman who conceals defects without resorting to positive and palpable falsehood there is nothing which marks more decidedly the character of men and of nations than the manner in which they treat women leisure will always be found by persons who know how to employ their tinie time those who want time are the peo pie who do nothing |