Show held by Preg president Ident mart hurt anil and lit in the settlements of ithell county the people of rich county have been enjoying a spiritual feast the piat few days pres Pr osJas jas II 11 hart of 0 the st ike presidency and elders jas II 11 wallis eugene S hart and NL aa M having bavine held meetings under eions of the stake presidency in all tile the wards of 0 ali tin stake south of bloomington the mechin held beld in randolph on I 1 monday bight was wag one of the best the people have ever attended the house was crowded and the visiting brethren administered much rood good in instruction st ruction to the people in attendance on oil wednesday afternoon another meeting was liell here by president hart arid and h hs s associates at which thu the fifth quorum of elders was this was occasioned by tile fact that peter Uc mckinnon Kinnon tho president had been honorably released by the stale stake presidency on account of ills his other ward duties the following brethren were nero sustained by the audience E R south son ati president joseph quinelle Qu ibelle first counselor alfred limb li icib second counselor emanuel tyson secretary all brethren were set apart hy by president hart and bishops mckinnon and kennedy president hart arid and his Coin coni piny left for their homes in bear lake yesterday morning ln |