Show great indent bell to hins again gain westminister West minister ter gazettes gazette the second bell in weight in tile the world that in aln i goon in lnla has lately been raked raised from the ground and arranged so coasto as to ring again after a apse ipse of nearly a century this bell weights between ninety and and hundred tons it is surpassed by the giant at moscow in weight but the latter has lost a large piece out of it and as it Is used as a chapel cannot now DOT be tung rung there Is however another bell at moscow which is used andl and it said to weigh is tons the All ngoon bell Is twelve feet high and abid about eighteen feet in diameter at the rim the imn ieni wooden beams on which it formerly hubig hun have long to ng since been on a sti girder at it a 25 feet from the ground it is proposed prop osei to encase the supporting columns and aad girders with carved teak in a n burmese design iad then erect a cupiola over the lie whole structure the bell at Peri ln which is the third largest in the world that can still be used m weighs only fifty ight tons |