Show att TIRES flag nent in ills ill ll iena lan ion arenas may succeed ili him in new york march i the heralds correspondent in havana binds the following via tampa I 1 am informed on the very highest authority that captain general weyler has forwarded his resignation to the spanish government at madrid the captain general I 1 am told will leave the island is as soon as possible probably in about three weeks this decisive step general ter mIned to take it Is said raid as soon ag ae he heard ol of the release of jullo San guilly the captain general hall had frequently said he would resign if the crown should interfere with his policy in regard to prisoners and especially americans and he was incensed bej beyond ond measure as being ignored in the negotiation carried on by the spanish government in ane case of the notable captive San guilly who was released on oil friday ills it Is reported that general romon blanco Y arenas the kurquis of pena plata may inay be appointed to succeed gen weyler |