Show supreme mair mc ex president harrison in T L 11 home dl e journal when ill the e lional con organization of the been settled f an and d the high court v ha dt duty Y 0 of I 1 i i ing the justices ha had d been select pello perforce per forme t ad dt b washington the L smaller tm aller 1 erl but y f n t hot ly IY ull unimportant important question of a court it loomed up and much agitated ed cd the minds of our public and divid dl v men the j justices justices wear gowns gown shall and 1 it the gown of the scholar chol aror or of the ro R man mail senator or of 0 the priest sh they the y wear the wig odthe of the english jefferson and hamilton judge judg who nho had all dafft ed so 60 widely in their views as to 11 frame of the constitution the e were again opposition upon these questions delatin tu to millinery and 5 bellero jader was against any needless ott official trial apparel appah but if the gown was wag to carry he tild said for heavens sake discard the anon arous trous wig which makes the erglis judges look like rats peeping r bunches bu riches of oakum hamilton through was wa air for the english wig with the english go gon burr was for the english gown tu agal against rist the invert inverted ed woolsack served nig ohe english gown was taken the wig left tand and I 1 am sure that and the flowing black silk gown still worn b the justices helps to preserve preer vc I 1 in he he court room that dignity and sense olin lemnitz which should always character ize the place of judgment 10 |