Show ir jorAn den san francisco feb 28 the brig percy edwards eds ards cleared today for tahiti and on her goes the united brotherhood oi of the south sea islands the brig goes to tahiti and from that port will aill sail wherever the fancy of those on board dictates the expedition was brought about by the publication it in a local paper of a story to tile effect that on st johnt johnb island in the south seas were it 1 number of dusky clusky women who were pining tor for husbands all the men its had been killed in war and the women were lonely A company was organized in this city to go to the relief of the dusky damsels and on board the ed wards are re ninety seven revert men who sigh tor for the tropical clime and easy life if in the south seas it has since developed that tile the eden story was a myth but the company organized here determined to go some place |