Show LOCALS LOCAL 4 Tiie theatre atre to night mr jno W 11 Dykins was in town tuce day sir mr 0 tt it alley of Lake laketown town was wag in town this week weck mr aft and mra afro V t mckinnon left for evanston Evs wednesday fok SALE FOUR CITY LOTS N P RA RANDOLPH mr L 0 0 read and C E And andersen ereon went up tip to work on oil their claims mon day mr jerry earley earlcy and john T price of round valley viero randolph visit org on this week mr J 11 poulton ro ullOn the ever genial drummer drunin ier of the 7 0 if M I 1 was a randolph visitor wednesday elder eugeno eugene hart of bloomington ida gave us its a pleasant call call ittin bro always welcome wel como mrs jno dykins is up from Ean candolph dolph tor for a tow days daya visit her visits are always a agreeable ro cable Wy orning press ii if you have land iana for sale adver advertise tlde I 1 the fact so that people outside the county who aro are looking for or homes may know the thespians have been actively at ively re rc hersing abu play force forca of impulse and wo we let safe in promising the public abare a rare treat tomorrow to morrow night our rate for publishing notices notice h 9 for horses and 1150 for cattle be honest with the owners of estraya by publishing descriptions of such anilli animals als ernest kimball Kin iball of logan son of lion jos Kin kimball iball and brother inlaw in ill law of editor elvde dropla d into our sanc sanctum on tuesday to sa say y hello ile he departed for garlen city mines on oil th the e sa s1 ace aari rari ida post JE cashin returned from froin tho ogden hot on tuesday last and is singing prats praises s over its ita wonderful curative kokier pokier frankly con confessing fesing that it ben bents ta dr wiand ri in r I 1 liniment W wyoming I 1 oming pi ess on oil fordney Ford ny the board of examiners Ea miners requited adversely on oil a number of claim including cook of richs house bill no 77 appeal for the expenses of Cough lino trial incarceration and execution I 1 have plenty of money to loan on improved farm property ton low ion time car easy y payments you can pay I 1 it j back by intal installments Inter intermit cit ce ceasing aing on all amounts aa paid apply to tt S spence montpelier ida mr anil and mrs hirs J IV dykin deking of han dolph arrived in evanston on Satu saturday iday and were at ito irain on oil tuesday to witness the d carura or of mr anil and mrs mr thomas blythe Clyl lio who ho left for honolulu hawaii iian aai on oil an extended visit uinta herald Her ild sir R menzies Meu bart of als ri the hereditary chief of the clan is ia the oldest highland chiel chief of any clan now living being in his hi eightieth year and wears tile the kilt winter and dumn bummer 1 er continuously ile he stands six feet three in height if you are sick or ill n pain from any of the following cramp toothache headache earache arache li face ache rheumatics neuralgia or iny any other ailment get a bottle of rain pain raint pain t from n E T pope randolph stando pu price 25 50 cents and 81 per bottle several men passed through paris ta this i is week wea on their way to work in the alich ch cache mine at garden city the mine is to be developed and a full force of hands will be put to work and antici anticipates patel by the time spring opens paris ida post A school teacher says the pupils who have t access to newspapers at home compared with who have bavo not aro are better readers better spellers better in punctuation better grammarians end riad read more mora and obtain a practical knowledge of go gramby in half bait the ahne it requires quires Ie others ex tile the exercises in the m eting house ou e on monday afternoon in celebia celebration tion of the ninetieth birthday of president irod well weil attended and excellently reu rendered dered ly performing the ilia parts part assigned amsl nea them eiith avith credit ere lit president hart happened to put in ill an appearance juba before the iho meeting trig closed cloS 31 all and d made some very remarks some mischievous person 3 locked up watchman grant of tile house in a storage with the cloak room it was wag during the noon re rc cebea cabs 1 l most unfortunate rind nud period to remain in ill durance du rince as grant bad not been to lunch in his bis despena di tion lie wrenched abo ll 11 knob from the was preparing prep to hans hang a signal ol of distress front from tha window when lie was accidental v released wednesdays 11 herald our old friend james lit if wallis formerly merly 1 I the paris po pot post t and other pipers has baa deserted journ journalism alkin for th alio less exciting but more lucrative held field of tile the law lie he lizis lias gra fuated ii th ith honor bonor front from tho the nebraska college of alawat awat L lincoln it is lua his int to lo begin t tho I 1 0 practice of his profession at il Pro iton idalio idaho iu in tho the course of it week or so eo if he be brings to boar bear tho samo same degree of perspicacity attention to detail find and liness which its ilia work as it jouni idt his bis is iq certain logan loan journal |