Show UTAH legislature passes school T tax a x bill over governor Go vernoi Is s veto dill to in i rny nytle alip election binl li nl for livid hint hilled illner at llad palmed avid reni sent kent to HIP governor other met ti pol of the past week Is easily the week of big work in both branches of 0 the legislature A vast amount of work has been done on the code lor for which there Is nothing to show the work being done in committee and when finally presented will be merely tor for ratification by the bodies at large larga the subjects segregated as they ire will be rapidly v handled when once reported till fact however Is not deterring the more ex perien perlen ced legislators from ngi agitating tatIng morning and evening sessions which will probably materialize during the present week the senate last week passed eleven bills and one resolution and killed alx i alx lx bills and one memorial the successful resolution was house joint resolution 1 no 7 providing for a constitutional amendment to permit counties to levy and collect school taxes in fit cities the memorial killed was senate joint memorial no 4 to permit of direct legislation by the people the bills passed cereas follows senate bill no 17 to authorize boards board of education to submit to the people questions eions of incurring indebtedness this bill was passed over the governors veto by a large majority in the house only two democrats voted to sur sustain the governor who expressed bvm sympathy with the objects of the measure but suggested a slight change in the phraseology to avoid a possible conflict 1 with fill the constitution house bill 21 amending the bounty law the majority manifested its hostility to the word bounty and inserted file word reward in its elead house bill 27 to enable school boards board to use the sinking fund to maintain tae schools and authorizing a tax levy to reimburse the sinking fund house bill 62 to provide for the weighing of coal at the mines senate bill ia 0 appointing a commission to locate a branch of the normal school in deaver beaver or iron county senate bill 51 to authorize counties cities etc to fund their floating indebtedness afterward killed and passed in different form in the house or as house bill 93 house bill 60 60 to authorize the secretary of state stale to pur hise hase and distribute among conaty any state officers copies of of f the supreme court reports house bill 75 regulating pawn brakers and secondhand second hand dealers senate bill 22 to compel deaf dumb and blind children to attend the state school senate bill 46 the land bill this bill increases the number of commissioners to seven of which tile the governor and attorney general eral are members the ahers are appointive poin tive the bills killed were house bill 83 to provide for the clay ment of election judges of 1896 this bill had passed both houses and gone to the governor when tile the senate decided to ri consider the bill the bill was war returned by the governor upon a request from the senate its constitutionality was attacked it was also considered a bad precedent to establish senate bill no A 48 cre creating atin the office of state sealer of weights an I 1 measures senate bill noa to limit the jurisdiction of city justices of the peace senate bill no a 2 to compel county boards to pass an annual andua I 1 aD appropriation ordinance house bill no 21 29 providing for the payment of election judges j senate bill no 81 allowing counties cities cilles etc to fund their floating debts afterward passed under the n name ame of house bill no 93 VIC TUB HOUSE the house was destructive rather than constructive although there was no lack of new measures fifteen bills failed upon the adoption of a hostile committee report T they ey were no 20 20 by dotson relating to the he taxation of mortgages no 36 by kenner legalizing glove contests no 38 by thomson making taxes payable half yearly no 42 by tardy to com compel I 1 banks to give security tor for deposits no i 1 by sorensen Sor ersen of changing the time of redemption from tax sale from tour four y years ears toto tot no years NO 87 kenners antitrust anti anu trust truit and om corn bine bill no as by cook of 0 rid rich changing tile the fees to he be charged by tile the county recorder no 97 by perkins Pe mins to protect the creditors of insolvent corporations no 99 by perkins authorizing private v ate persons to serve perve legal papers no too by hardy providing a penalty penally for murder no by price validating water certificates no mo no by wilson Wilso iii compelling foreign insurance companies to make a deposit to secure policyholders policy holders na by forshee For thee amen amending cling the law the enacting clause was struck from two bills no 59 by wilson regulating the rati rate of interest i i i no so by bennion tor for the assessment of foreign livestock live stock in the state Roy romances lances bill no 81 amending the statute 0 of f limitations law failed by not recel receiving ing the constitutional till majority two house bills were killed by the sen senate ate they were no 83 Kenti bill to pay election judges of 1896 and no 93 by obrien OBil cn to permit the funding of various municipal floating indebtedness six bill were passed they were no 21 by cook of box elder animal and bird bounty bill no 2 37 by kimball of cache authorizing boards of education to uee their r inking funds for their maintenance in 1896 and 1897 no 31 by cook of bex eller authorizing IZ inythe the assessment of railroad land not used as a right of way no 40 4 by martin imposing the cost 0 of f criminal prosecutions upon the state mo illo A 78 by Thore aen for the service of summons out of justices courts no 95 by perkins Perk lne for the relief of poor litigants NF FW F W BILLS among the bills introduced are by callis a memorial appropriating oooo idoo for a miners hospital at park city by its terms park city must raise an equal sum dy by hopkins providing for the support of illegitimate children provides provider for the giving of bonds that such child cald ten shall not become public charges by shepard regarding assignments permits preferred creditors and provides provide that a majority of the creditors may force as a change of assignee by kenner a 1 new income tax bill levying a tax of 3 per cent on all incomes above per annum |