Show SNAP SHOTS AT HOME NEWS Appointment Confirmed Mayor Thompson has confirmed Chief Devines Devine's appointment of George Georbe Harris as a fireman Remains Taken Home The remains of oC Leslie C. C Atwood arrived arrived ar ar- ar- ar rived In Salt Lake yesterday en route from om New Now Zealand to Vernal Utah EIo was the son of Charles B B. B Brown Bro n of Vernal born In 1876 Nurse Undergoes Miss Rose Mallory a member of oC the St. St Marks Mark's hospital training class claM of 1902 underwent a minor operation at atthe atthe atthe the hospital yesterday esterday The operation was not dangerous but was very pain pain- ful Cui Farewell Entertainment A ml missionary farewell entertainment wilt will 11 be given In the thc Third ward meetinghouse meetInghouse meet meet- Ing-house Ing next Tuc Tuesday da evening In honor of Elder Zeke Ball DaIl who will de depart depart depart de- de part on a mission to the Eastern States An excellent had been pre pre- pared Agree to Appointments The Council Committee on Markets last night voted to recommend the confirmation confirmation con eon of the appointment of Charles II H. Gates as city The rhe Committee on Fire Department agreed that the appointment of oC M. M Kast as fireman reman be confirmed Has a n Monster Apple Appl A monster Duchess apple measuring fourteen and one one half halt inches In diameter diameter diame diame- ter one wa way thirteen and one half Inches another way vay and weighing two and one halt pounds Is being exhibited by George Gcorge Roberts It was grown at L. L Granger farm tarm II I I First South Street House Sold I IDy By Dy the terms of a warranty deed tiled filed yesterday with the County Recorder the thc Anderson Real Estate company compan conveyed ed to Wallace aUnce R. R White a new newhouse newhouse newhouse house and feet teet of ground facIng facing fac fac- acIng ac- ac ing north on First South street ninety ninety- two feet west from Tenth East street Missing Girl Found Mrs O. O C. C Olson who has been In the city from Logan searching for her young daughter Lizzie who had come cometo to the city to work and afterward disappeared disappeared dis dis- I appeared found the girl yesterday The i latter had simply simp changed her her working place and had failed Called to Inform her mother of oC the change in irs Chicago L L. K whose disappearance disappear disappear- ance from Salt Lake caused con considerable ble talk and some anxiety In certain quarters has been heard from In Chicago Chi Chi- cago where It is said that he is employed em era- b by a metal concern Ills Ilia friends here still believe believe- he will 11 return and effect a settlement of his accounts Water Is Shut Off I The Water ater department shut ore oft the water In the Salt Lake and Jordan canal at 3 o'clock y yesterday and left It so for twenty four hours so that the employees of oC the department might put puta a n line of oC pipe under the canal The water system stem Is being extended ed to that part of the elt city and It was necessary ary to cross the canal with the line Mayor Approves R Resolution Mayor Thol Thompson ha has hap approved the rc resolution of oC the City Council authorIzing authorizing author author- izing the Board of or Public Works to advertise advertise ad ad- vertise again for tor plans and specifications lions but not bids for a n city Jail jali to accommodate accommodate accommodate ac ac- ac- ac net fifty adult male malc ten adult female eight minor male and two t minor minor mi ml- nor female prisoners r fhe The cost Is not notto notto to be more than Water Committee Meets A Council committee consisting of Arnold Arnol A. A J. J Davis Eardle Hewlett He and Tuddenham met In th theoffice the theoffice office ce o 0 or the superintendent of the Water Water Wa Wa- ater a ter deportment department yesterday to equalize water assessments grant abatements adjust erroneous and perform perform per per- Cr- Cr form other duties dutle The committee ad nil- to meet Friday September County Jail Crowded The county Jail ha hn has not In n n. long time been crowded 3 aa as It was during durin the last lastre re few weeks A number of or prisoners prisoner taken to the tho penitentiary yesterday has re relieved relieved re- re the strain slightly Every cell has had two on n and It was the Intention of the Sheriff to place ten ex extra ex- ex tra tm cots In the womans woman's ward and lodge lode the only woman prisoner In one of or tho the cells celia Writes a Book in Jail Jan August t. t Miller 1 a prisoner at the count county coun couri- t ty all has hag been enl engaged d for several days in writing an autobiography phy The Pot story or will be one that should he ho of value to the young he explains be be- cause It shows that the way of the transgressor Is hard The Jail officials believe Miller tI Is not Intentionally a criminal but has been led astray by evil companions I I Water Vater Complaint Probed The Fifth Fleth precinct complaint of oC lack of Irrigation water was aired before the Council Commutes Committe on Irrl Irrigation atlon last night The committee recommended the passage e of oC a resolution directing Superintendent to Investigate and make a report showing the amount of water the city Is receiving recel dally daIly through the Salt Lake and Jordan ca canal canal canal ca- ca nal and how It Is distributed 1 Mrs Brastow's Funeral The funeral of ot Mrs Irs George B. B Brastow Brastow Brastow Bras- Bras tow was held from the fa family m II residence resi resi- dence denee Third and N streets yesterday afternoon Bishop Whitney preached preach d the tho tun funeral ral sermon and beautiful music music music mu mu- sic was rendered b by a male quartette A large number of oC floral tributes bore witness to the love and sympathy of friends Interment was In the City cemetery where the grave e a. was dedicated dedicated dedicated dedi dedi- b by Bishop Whitney |