Show LIGHT WEEK IN INTHE INTHE INTHE THE REALTY MARKET The week has been light In the real Teal estate market the recorded transfers aggregating only With Wih the ex exception cx- cx of oC one sale the trading has been for small smal amounts and confined con con- lined fined largely to transfers pm nominal considerations t Ions The recorded dally daily transfers follow Saturday August Agust daly Monday y Al Anoint Sill lh Tuesday August Hh Ith oo Wi Atun 1111 t US Friday AU 2911 HII Total Total Real Estate Transfers David J. J Humphrey to Thomas homas Channel lots lols 33 M and 3 39 Avondale park 00 50 Charl Charles s M 1 Wardle Wardie to James 1 K E. Paine Pain 3 acne In the southwest quarter of section 23 township 3 south range ranee 1 west I AnJI on R Real l Investment company to Wallace Walace R. R White lIx x 1224 I feet south an and tnt r from f 92 2 fc feet t c west t of ot the northeast corner of lot 6 G. block M 56 plat B D. D z |