Show BRITISH TREATY TOBE TO TOBE TOBE BE MODEL FOR OURS Specific Duty Principle PrincipIa Will Vill Be Embodied Embodied Embodied Em Em- bodied in Chinese Customs Convention WASHINGTON w Aug SO 30 The The customs cus- cus toms oms treat treaty about to he be signed ned at Feng Peking Pe Pe- king c ng between the representatives e of the British and Chinese Governments Go will willene serve ens ene as a a. pattern of one to be concluded con- con b by Mr 11 Conger with the thc latter Government Mr Congers Conger's new treat treaty while chang chang- chang ing th the rates ori on on than many articles will vili re retain retain retain re- re tain the specific duty principle em embodied bod- bod fed In convention cOn 1 |