Show ANOTHER HORSE GOES IN INLESS INLESS LESS THAN TWO MINUTES Dan Patch Paces the Mile Within a Quarter of a Second of Star Pointers Pointer's Unbeaten aten Record PROVIDENCE CE R R. I. I I. I Au Aug 30 The Tho grand irand circuit meeting at park was aS brought to a close yesterday In a a. blaze of ot glory Dan Patch the unbeaten son o of Jo Joe JoP Patchen paced an exhibition mile in 1 9 reducing his r record cord from 2 OO The mile was within a n quarter of oC a second of or the worlds world's record of 1 made by b- Star Pointer at Head llIe fl live e. e years ears ago This Is s the fast fastest st mile in harness In halt half a decade de-cade and Dan Patch Is the second horse horge to beat two minutes No other horse except Star StOl Pointer ever went so fo O fast and nd he did It only twice Star Pointer also alo went vent once one In I 1 59 f 0 n this Is the third time a hor horse e ever cr lowered two minutes Myron drove the lie famous brown stallion and his owner M. M R g. c of New w York watched the p performance from Crom rota a box In Inthe Inthe inthe the grandstand An immense throng thron saw Naw the tion The tra traI k was lI lightning fast The j trial was made maele about 1 1 S A slight flight breeze was vas blow hlo In Ing up UI the homestretch home home- stretch hut but the stallion finished hed Atron strong The rhe fastest quarter was vas the second In In 59 i 59 and 29 9 9 flat fiat The first half was the last in 1 00 The rue middle hate halt was in 59 5 J. 59 4 Dan Pa Patch was paced l by a ru runner run run- n- n ner ncr and scored cored down doun twice before c forc Mylon My- My Iy- Iy lon on nodded for the word orrl The horse was going fast tast in a Ion long stride and a n thousand watches snapped nappe when he lie flashed nashed under the wire In an In- In he hc was down at the tho turn lenn- lenn and the runner ipg In on the curve e The They was waR galloping hard to keep up were at the tho quarter In 30 and the runner Funnel was even cven Then the gallant horse made his supreme effort and the wa way he shook the runner was worth going going go go- ing lag far to see He was squatting loin low lo lowIn in Jn a lon long stride and cutting through the air R ao his cars were lent bent back and his mane was vas straight out The runner was wa doubling In great reat leaps but hut Ian Dan Patch got away awny and he went vent along the hack back stretch the tho second quarters In 29 9 nat flat making 3 SOli j for Cor the half talf The runner caught up again and they made the third quarter In 30 i or 1 12 2 1 total time lime Down the stretch he came In the greatest dash of oC his life Ufe ThC Tho last quarter was In 2 29 21 i- i 11 class pacing three In live five purse lOCo 1 won von the third fourth an and fifth heats in 2 1 h 12 Duck Buck ihorn won the first and second heats In Il Tommy Tomm Me tc Stephen StephenP P 1 and also f a started class dass trot two in three pur purse e Lord Lord Derby won two straight ht heats In 2 07 Chain Shot and Dolly Dillon al also started 27 2 27 da chasa D trot three In live five purse Anna O Anna Held won three straight ht heats In 21 2 I 2 A 12 Wilton Witton llo Boy John Patterson Daisy Direct Florence C. C La France June Jane TIna and Handspring also 2100 started 11 class racing pacing two In three purse Billy H. H won two straight heats In th 20 2 Don Riley Jesse 31 n E Princess Gypsy GypS Red lied W. W Annie Annio Le Leyburn burn Rana flana Schley Pointed ll Circle and Way Clay al alto also o started |