Show MEN lEN AND AFFAIRS M. M L I. I L. L FULLER of oC Stone Lake la Ta who was wa recently appointed second assistant assistant assistant as as- observer In the thc Salt Lake branch of oC the weather veather bureau has hasar arrived ar nr rived and taken up his work His appointment appointment ap ap- ap- ap wa was the result of Mr Grover's Grovers Grovers Grover's Grovers Grover's Grov- Grov ers er's promotion to first assistant observer observer observer ob ob- ob- ob server under Director Murdoch och S S THO THOMAS MACKNIGHT and C. C Frank Frnnk F Emery mery deputies deputes to County Clerk James have returned to their desks after after after af af- af- af ter their annual vacation of oC two w weeks ekl PROF W. W E. E of Streator III I. I was In iii the city yesterday Prof Pre ger was associated for several months with wih Prof of ot the University University Uni Uni- en of Chicago In an Investigation of oC fou st conditions in Montana for tor the Interior department nt of the Federal Government S S S MILWARD MILVARD DA ADAMS IS of oC Chicago manager of the Auditorium who ha has hns been spending spendin the dull dul theatrical season season saon sea sea- sa- sa son on on the Pacific toast Coast stopped here yesterday on his return trip He lie lc Is accompanied accompanied ac ac- companied b by his wife e DR HANCHETT has returned from Crom coin Den Denver r. r where re he ha has attended the medical section of oC the Fraternal con con- gress S S S SJOHN JOH JOHN BOYE DOYE foreman of oC the April Apri Fool mine ut at De La Ia Mar I Nev v. v was as In Inthe Inthe inthe the city last lat night on his way home from Baker CI City Or a 0 SENATOR W. W Yo W. W CLARK left lef for Cor Butte Bute yesterday esterday being compelled to depart depart depart de de- de- de part sooner than he had expected oving owIng owing ow ow- ov- ov ing to the news of the destructive lire fire In his lila big reduction works He lie le will wi re return return return re- re turn to Salt Lake In n a few Cew da days to conCer confer confer con con- fer with the San Pedro Pedr officials with re- re gaid d to the question of ot beginning construction construction con con- Jal work at nt this end of oC the San Pedro Los n Angeles load zoad H. H V. V PLATT PLA agent of the Oregon Short Line was sue guest t of honor of the Pocatello lodge of or Elks and was presented pre pro a life membership card In the tho order last night The lodge bestowed this honor on Mr Ir Platt Plat In recognition of oC his labors In the Interests of the Poca Pocatello Po Po- ca ruler Iuler catello telo lodge He le was was It its It first exalted N. N J. J FITZGERALD of oC Deep Creek who Is a friend of Senator Clark Is 11 authority au au- nu- nu for the statement that a branch of oC the San P Pedro ro Los Loa Angeles neles road will run Into the Deep Ls Creek region for forthe forthe or orthe wi reson the purpose of oC developing the mines there A A- A L. L CRAIG general passenger agent I of the O. O II n. N N. was In town yester da day A ATTORNEY F. F J J. J GUSTIN ha has haM gone Rone to Omaha Nd Neb on a short vacation |