Show REBELS BADLY WHIPPED ACCORDING TO REPORTS Two Hundred Killed or Wounded by President Castros Castro's Army WILLEMSTAD Aug 30 30 Advices of an official nature which have e reached here from Com are ore to lo the effect that severe fi fighting has occurred d II between the Government t f forces and the thc advance guard suard of ot the thc re 1 army under Gen Mates Matos The Thc revolutionists re were wore commanded by Gen Gems Zello and Vidal They ma made e an attempt to occupy the town of or Gua Guaya t but hul after aCter fighting five e hours they surrendered surrendered sur sur- rendered the field to the Go Government eminent forces Two hundred of oC the re revolutionists revolutionists were killed or wounded President President President dent Castro Is now at Cua twenty five miles from Caracas |