Show ESTATE OF WILLIAM DEcca DE- DE The The Tho undersigned will sell at private private n vate e sale the following described property proper proper- t ty to tolt wit lt That part of oC lot 5 5 block 76 jG plat B Salt SnIt I Lake C City tr survey commencing at ji j point 5 rods west of oC the northeast corner o of said ald lot and running thence south 10 rods rod thence west 3 rods t thence north 10 rods rod thence east cast 3 1 rods to the place of or beginning beginning beginning begin begin- ning containing thirty square rods rode of oC together with the tho Improvements thereon thenon situated on or 01 before beCore Saturday tho the da day of or September J. 19 and written written written writ writ- ten bids will be received recel by tho the undersigned undersIgned under under- signed at al CoO WO East Enst Second South street Salt Lake City Utah up to 10 and Including I Ithe the hour of oC oCI 4 I o'clock p. p p P. m rn on said date dato I Terms of oC sale cash OLOF H. H Administrator of or the Estate of ot William Deceased d I A. A G G. G Sutherland At Attorney |