Show loala Cement In stock I UTAH LUMBER LU IPA CO COMPANY Y I Ioa I a nt in stock I I IBER CO IPA Y I I a r 1 How about y childrens School Shoes For Monday fonda and wt week k wo we havo hawl two special BOYS BOYS' and ami YOUTHS' YOUTHS goOd durable Box ox Calf Calr c Shoes a all 11 sizes n at t S P I 4 MISSES' MISSES and CHILDREN'S CHILDRENS S 'S Vii I Kid ld Shoes with th heavy or tight light sol soles sizes S 8 to 11 i 4 1 15 Sizes U 11 to 2 Store closes at nt 6 p. p m. m except Saturday W r- r loala Cement In stock I UTAH LUMBER COMPANY loam loala Ioala Cement In stock UTAH II LUMBER LUl CO COMPANY I UNIVERSITY OF UTAH UTAH'S The Tho University of Utah includes the School of Scle Sciences the State School of Mines Mince and the State Normal School II SCHOOL OF ARTS AND The School of or Arts and Sciences s offers orIels courses in in- 1 1 General celene 2 Liberal arts STATE NORMAL SCHOOL The Tho Normal Nor School offers T L L. A four tour years years' normal cour course courso 2 Advanced normal courses course 3 Courses In kindergarten training The proximity of or great treat mines reduction works ot or various kinds kind and powerhouses powerhouses power power- houses for tho the generation of or electricity afford advantages for tor thorough thoro and ana practical practical work In mining and electrical cn engineering not enjoyed by any other school of or mines In the United StateD SHOP WORK IN WOOD AND METALS Students Stu Students In n are aro given shen two years years' work In wood and metals In well well quIpped t shops and und under r the di dl dl- r of or thoroughly hh competent machinists t I MANUAL UAL TRAINING AND DOMESTIC SCIENCE ore are features of or the normal courses No tuition Is charted charged but a Q small email annual registration leo fco Is ii required Regis of or students September and Arrangements have o been made whereby students from outside tho the city can caa obtain board and rooms at th the Grand Pacific hotel opposite O. O S. S L. L R. R It R depot Bait Salt Lake Lake- CIl City at 75 S cents a day until they are arc permanently located Tho The University Annual which rives full tull information cou re CO courses etI r re for tor admission etc wilt will be sent Bent free on application to the UNIVERSITY OF UTAH UrAIL Salt Batt Lako City Utah h. Save Yourself from B Baldness ld ss i t fJ j 1 t thU i I II I Ia A headed bald man mn NEVER has has- ij the same chance as the man whose I head is covered with thick healthy I I hair II I i KEEP YOUR HAIR while you have the chance Dandruff itching or burning burning burn burn- ing of the scalp calp thin dry hair bair or premature grayness are sure signs that the scalp is not in a healthy condition an and that unless prompt action betaken baldness will soon follow THE REAL CAUSE OF BALDNESS is a microbe which attacks the ten tender er hair roots destroying r their life and vitality This fact was first disclosed disclosed disclosed dis dis- dis- dis closed by by the physicians of the Institute who have bave also discovered the only unfailing method of destroying forever the ravages of this deadly parasite thus permitting the hair to grow row again agin and become long thick and glossy also restoring gra gray hair to its original l color H Hair r and Scalp Food b u for sate isle b by Druggists at the bottle or orwill orwill orwill will be sent direct from L Laboratories ries ge prepaid upon receipt of pricer price r FOOD HAIR g FREETo FREE To prove the wonderful merits of Hair and Scalp Food its absolute purity therapeutic value and el elegance its fre freedom om from sediment end dangerous dye matter and to convince you that thal It will stop falling hair make hair hur grow cure CUTe dandruff and aDd itching S scalp lp end and that it is the only hair dressing ine ever formulated fit lo to put gut on the thc human head we will send nd by mail PREPAID to all who u-ho send seed h name nane and full and mention on the nar name of thi p- p paper per a II dainty wimple of Hair and aDd Scalp Food and a 48 a illustrated S b book bool entitled Hair Care and Testimonials SEND SAMPLE OF HAIR ln HAIR easel cases where there Is excessive c falling out of the hiir itching dandruff d or other hair air or nl troubles you are arc recommended to seed send Dd us for microscopic eX examination a 1 few hairs or a sample from the dally daily combings Our will mn ra make makei e a 1 i di diagnosis and send d you you vou a n report of your your hair without an any charge being ing made for their professional services service Write today day to HAIR FOOD CO a New West e York o Broadway ko CLEANLINESS IS NAE PRIDE DIRT'S NAE HOW HON ESTY STY COMMON SENSE DICTATES THE USE USE OF 1 1 I National Bank of f the tho Republic U. U s S. S DEPOSITARY FRANK K KNOX OX President GEORGE A A. LOWE W. W F F. ADA ADAMS S Cashier CAPITAL PAID IN Banking In nil all Us Its branches b transacted drawn on tho the principal cities ot of Europe PAID PAIl ON TIME DEPOSITS ir fF THREE CENTS Is the tho price of The SALT LAKE Ki TELEGRAM EtL fiR M EXCEPT ON TRAINS u A large circulation and small profits Is our rule Our patrons p are arc urged to insist on havn the paper at 3 Cent U 4 of ot the newsboys I 1 4 STATE SCHOOL OP OF 1 Th Tb Th School of ot Mines offer erI course coura ial LM I 1 Mining engineering 2 ElectricAl engineering iD PREPARATORY SCHoor A Preparatory School Is la maintained which gives es preparation for tor the tho cour courses course In general science liberal arts and electrical elJ engineering law law medicine anti and S. S IF YOU WANT BUSINESS Display your ad on our STEREOPTICON STEREOPTICON STERE STERE- SHEET among our pictures Corner Second South and Main where the crowds gather in inthe inthe inthe the evenings Call Can on CHAS P. P MADSEN CO v Rear Main fain street for terms or orI I phone 1369 I We Ve also sell moving picture machines machines ma maI I chines and stereopticons I J. J A. A CUNNINGHAM ent DR F. F s. s 8 B. B BASCON BACO CO Vict Vice Vice-PreL Pr JU E. E W. W WILSON WILSON Cashier Ct BANK OF COMMERCE T BLOCK DIRECTORS J. J J A. A Cunningham Dr F. F S 8 8 B W. W W. W Chisholm Jr j. D D. D K xi au U. U I J Park E. E E E. E Th Rl h. h E E. B bl Established 1141 VI S The Oldest and Dc t. t R. R G. G DUN DON e CO GEORGE GRORGE General K Manager nager Utah Idaho end d Wyoming Wyoming- Offices Office In lu Progress Building Salt Lake Lako City WALKER BROS Bankers SALT S LAKE CITY i f p ESTABLISHED 19 1 71 i Jj y- y Safety deposit epo U box boxes for tor rent Deseret National Bank UNITED STATES STAlES DEPOSITORY Capitol S Surplus L. L S S. S Hills President Moses Thatcher President Vice President If Jf S S. Youn Cashler Cashier Edgar S S. S lulls Hills Aast Cashier WELLS F FARGO CO BANK SALT LAKE CITY UTAH Capital Parent San Francisco Cal Branch Bauk BroadwAy New Nev Brunch ll Rank mk Portland Oregon A general bank banking In business transacted F. F 1 L. L LI N. PM 41 Acting Ca Cashier |