Show rT- rT 1 THREE CENTS 1 Is the price of The JI SALT SALT i LAKE K TELEGRAM 6 AM EXCEPT ON TRAINS TRAn S. S A large circulation and amid small profits Is our rule Our patrons are ur urged cd to insist on having the paper at nt 1 3 Cents I l L of the newsboys J J r I A Demon Of 01 Pain v. v Rheumatism seems to tt take a a. a fiendish delight in iii torturing it its S victims No mode o or f punishment ever invented by man man or practiced by possessed devil has caused savage more bodily suffering such deep racking this r pains as pitiless disease Rheumatism leaves in its trail distorted muscles 1 crooked aD and Ini misshapen joints and limbs and the intense t 14 pain and agony endured is reflected in the haggard and I I f furrowed owed countenance of the sufferer Rheumatism makes r us s grow old and before our time and many an anone anone anone one in the full vigor of manhood has been suddenly stricken by this ruthless disease and made almost as 15 helpless and dependent as an infant Chained to the invalids invalid's chair or hobbling about on crutches and continually tormented with pain the pati patient in desperation resorts to the use of opiates which deaden the pain but lead to ruinous ha habits its There is no disease so aggressive and aud stubborn as Rheumatism after it becomes well or fixed in the system and no DO liniment H or other external application can check it or do any permanent good Rheumatism is not due to outside influences or causes but is a constitutional disease an internal inflammation produced by a aLoo atoo atoo too Loo acid cid condition of f the blood Vas Waste e matter that should l have been cast out of the body is retained fermentation takes place Uric Unc Lactic and other acids form and are absorbed into the the blood and as it circulates through the system ev every ry REPEATED FAILURES THEN RELIEF joint membrane tissue e an and nerve is IS saturated with Kr r Wm L. L Hill of Winton N. N 0 C. C at t on oa these corrosive corrOSIve irritating acids when exposure to cold time Ume a traveller luman ra n and nd well wen kow bowa in North and South Carolina end Virginia and aud damp or a spell 11 a of f. f In indigestion d' d WI will 11 b bring rIng on a fi fierce erce ays MY Two y ar ajo o my y blood was wa i la ID attack that almost takes tat the breath b by its suddenness wretched condition ant and In lu addition to other ber J bodily nta nt I X ruff rod from frO and aud The affected become inflamed and After Attar severity parts failures failure t to cr secure roUet from hOto th the of u. u ue other swollen and every movement is IS atten attended d e d WIt with h pains I z boron ean 8 s 3 S. S. S a and it acted i like Uk a charm that seem to cut like a knife into the tender flesh and This The pain paiD left Ion a and my toy D. C.-D. health wac wa built up aa a. m well I h bar bavo the tho nerves After Rheumatism becomes chronic there is IS always al al- icet opinion of a B. B 8 S S 8 for tar it Ie i Sa is t tha ULe oy oab ways a soreness an and d wea weakness k ness 0 of f t the h c b back ac k an and d d dull u 11 medicine that tbt did me any nv rood coed throbbing pains in the muscles and joints and- and an ever increasing sing stiffness of the limbs This Demon of Pain attacks the old and young the strong and the weak weak weak-no no one is exempt but from middle life to old age is the time when its assaults become most frequent and severe At this period the vital energies begin to wane the blood grows weak and thin and aDd is easily chilled the circulation becomes uncertain and slow and there is scarcely a moment freedom from pain in some part of the body The treatment of Rheumatism must be internal some remedy that can can- reach nul and neutralize the poisonous acids and cleanse the circulation S. S S. S S. S o. o a purely vegetable I medicine acts promptly and surely in all Rheumatic cases purifying and invigorating the impoverished blood eradicating all aU impurities from the system and sending a stream of rich new blood to tG wash out i the irritating particles that are causing the inflammation oD and pains In chronic cases or those developing late in 11 life S. S S. S S. S is especially effective it warms and enriches enriches' v A the blood restores nervous energy and stimulates the failing organs improves the appetite and digestion and builds up the genc general ral health thus fo fortifying the system against the tortures of Rheumatism Rheum Potash and mineral remedies have an opposite effect destroying the delicate lining luring of the stomach and often permanently impairing the constitution S. S S. S S. S is guaranteed entirely vegetable and a specific in all aU Rheumatic troubles Our Physicians will win gladly advise advie without charge all who write them about their case and we will mail free our special book on Rheumatism THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO Atlanta Ga Gau J 51 J 4 j THE SALT SALT lAKE TElEGRAM c r rt I i t 4 Utah is the richest of the undeveloped States of the Union No State has brighter prospects of t a. a substantial boom in the very near future Utah j i rr fl can no longer live a life of isolation she is in the zo f Sisterhood of States with prosperity headed this j I way with a rush Our ground has only been scratched for th the wealth of gold silver copper I and lead that lie below Coal iron oil and other commodities stored in endless valuable are quant quantities quan quan- k t titles in the depths Our grazing farming and are surprisingly productive All these things the world v is now rapidly learning Utah is presently to have two new railroads railroads railroads-en- en enterprises I 1 that all the East is talking about and and- which will make us a great centre on the greatest of the transcontinental lines Many eyes are 1 turned hitherward and soon the boom will com mence The Salt Lake Telegram is here to I I hasten this coming good day The Telegram is y read all allover over Utah Idaho aDd Nevada and finds and finds I its way into many points of other States East r I. I West est North and South It is in i up-to-date up ev everything 1 independent chock full of news and is 1 sold at the price of the great newspapers of other large cities The Telegram will be delivered at r j I your house in Salt Lake Ogden Provo or other large city for 60 cents per month Address m I j 1 I I l' l i SALT LAKE TELEGRAM PUBLISHING CO J 52 W. W Second South St. St r. r I J Salt Lake City Utah rr A ei ri i 1 t 4 I v e er 5 r r r S 1 T T 1 T 1 |