Show PRE PREVARICATING TING THERMOMETERS We e need new thermometers in Utah or 01 we need new lew skins and constitutions nn We Yc are arc moved to tomake tomake make mike this remark by Y reason of a weather bureau hureau re- re port lort Time The report lepOlt emanates from the lime 1 U U. S. S Department Depart Depart- nent ment of Agriculture at Washington ashin ton hut but Section Director Director Di Di- rector Murdoch of Salt Lake Laha is really the guilty man Time The official temperature report for July says other othel thin timings things It was one of the coolest Tul H on r record cOld and this was due to an unprecedented dented cool spell which prevailed lull lug the first decade Time The temperature durin luring during the time Jast two decades de cades was generally excessive but not decidedly so foO The Time highest highe t monthly mean was d deg at hue Hite the time lowest r. r 92 deg at Woodruff The Time highest temperature of the month de deg occurred at Green River on the time the time I lowest west 17 deg at Tropic on the time 1 1 Time The monthly range for the State was wm therefore Hi 95 deg On various dates beginning with July and concluding with July the reports give i a temperature above deg At Corinne Co Co- rinne it v was as 10 deg leg at de leg deg at nt Fillmore Fill Fill- more de deg at Soldier Summit de deg at Grover Gro de deg at St. St t. t Geor George e lOS de deg and at Green River Hivel leg deg Salt Lake City's hi highest hest was 00 DG leg deg Now it would not be lu courteous lO to question Mr Mi Murdoch's accuracy hut but there is no escape from impugning the veracity of his hig wicked partners partners' thermometers in the time country districts Utah has a lovely climate everybody praises raises it If it has au any days day ranging in temperature anywhere between and de deg Fahrenheit the time average human cuticle is not aware of it |