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T FOR TilE TIE TO TOilET I LET A Most lost Marvelous Toilet Preparation Positively eh does docs Away with th the tho use uso of oC Dandruff Cures Hair Oils Cosmetics Cold Creams Skin Foods Shaving Sha Soaps Medicinal Soaps Soap and Complexion Remedies A simple but marvelous preparation preparation prep- prep which prevents pre baldness dandruff loss dryness or premature grayness O or of ortho the tho hair hall the tho spread of or disease etc LATO Dos Does Its work Instantaneously A tc few drops on th the hair hall and a t. t wonderful shampoo Is instantly produced A few rew drops on a sponge and you have hare lather for tor the bath both A t few w drops drops' In a clean shaving mug stirred with a 1 moist brush produces shay shay- Ing lather Immediately latt ly Invaluable to actors and anI actresses for cleaning up after th the performance K 1 Cleanses the skin as CoS you ou never saw it done h by a soap For manicuring put n a fc few drops of or La- La tolla In the water It softens and cleanses cleant's the nails For general purposes is For skin affections apply appl a heavy lather of ot and allow It to remain on over nl night ht For and Irritations Irritation It has no equal Chafing Chafin cured by It Its u use ue e. e Is a R perfect skin I ln food supplying the oil it demands to pr prevent tnt dryness chapping ot and other unsightly effects It supplies to the hair hall t the he oil required to tomake tomake make moke It soft and wavy In instead tead of or dry stilt stiff and unmanageable Barbers and hairdressers sers ar arc with It MISS MARIE SCHULTZ NEW NESY YORK SAYS My M hair has hol been coming out so o rapidly that I was greatly worried Nothing I could find that was recommended for tor forthe the hair did an any goor good After Arter three thrle sham shampoos oos with it stopper stopped coming out the tho Irritation and Itching were gone pono ono and my hair hall was In fine condition 1 I recommend It to cr c everyone one man or woman for tor tho the hair and bath One Ont trial will convince you ou For sale by hy all nil len leading druggists dru If It you are unable to obtain it of or your druggist drug drug- rug rug- gist send us Ul 60 61 cents and a bottle will wilt be besent besent besent sent you ou express prepaid Send 4 cents In stamps for tor a sample bot bot- tle tIe THE T e CO ee 1133 Broadway New York City iA 1 THREE CENTS 4 Is the price of The Tho I SALT S LAKE TELEGRAM frd I EXCEPT c ON TRAINS r A large circulation and small profits is our rule Our patrons I are urged to insist on having the paper at 3 Cents R- R n of r th r y newsboys w s r v y 1 1 L LOVE fJ V C Lives Live only in the present Nature throws throw a n around youth and maiden so eo that although they saw AAY misery and nd marriage marriage mar mar- nage walking hand in tn hand In in cv every home horna in il the wo world worl l l the they would fondly I Ms I I believe lieve that they their could marry and defy r misery Young women should ho be taught to prepare for mar mar- Thc They should I understand how to preserve their womanly health II through h the functional functional changes C of maternity Doctor Pierces Pierce's Faso Favorite ite Prescription b lJ th the most effective medicine med kine for the preservation pre pro r of womanly womanly wom worn anly health and the cure of womanly dise diseases s. s It regulates regu regis lat hates lates the periods period d dries r e 5 enfeebling drains heals beals in inflammation in- in l a and n ti r ulceration andr and cures female weak weak- ness It prepares the womanly or or- for maternity and makes th the birth hour practically painless Favorite Fa contains Prescription no alcohol hol neither opium cocaine nor other narcotic My Mv wire wife WAS 5 afflicted d with wilh uterine trouble for s several years year UNI writes Mr Ir J C. C Day of Little Britain Janca Lancaster Co Pa hL and azid In November iS S the lie doctor said she hc hll had a miscarriage He De treated her for O about two months month or so so but there there- was wal but little Improvement I irr tc you yC after arler he had com u to take tnie Favorite Pre Pre- Pie Pie- nod and you told ld us t to get Golden I Med C l ical Discovery also s She toot took six or seven seten bottles o of Orile 1 Prescription and two o of Golden Medical Di and got out oat pf ci bed d i lih 1 rJ nn and J was able to attend t to her household work Dr Pl Pleasant nt Pellets cure biliousness bili biliousness bili- bili Epilepsy weakens the body and de degrades degrades de- de grades the mind It saps the nervous strength that thatis is the source of all health and perverts the thc functions of every organ Because of i its stubborn nature it is often called incurable This is not true There is one medicine that never fails to check the nervous spasms and give new strength to the entire system Our bab baby boy had epileptic spasms spasm and the physicians were unable to do anything to help him We heard of Dr Miles Miles' and from the time he look took the first dose he never never had another attack MRS J J. J TENNER N. N Meridian Ave And Anderson Andrson Ind lad Dr Mites Miles allays nervous irritation stops spasms restores di digestion digestion digestion di- di and mental vigor Sold by druggists on guarantee Dr Miles Medical Co Elkhart lad Ind DR R. R c w. w i THIRTY YEARS IN SALT LAI LAKE CITY r THE TI OLDEST RELIABLE SPECIALIST IN THE TIlE CITY V Salt Lake Microscopic S S Medical S Institute DR C C. W W. HIGGINS M M. D D. Mgr and nd Prop ST. ST ELMO HOTEL Cor Main and arid Third South 30 Years in Salt Lake saying After r 45 15 T years years' s study stud of oC Nature N and her laws along special lines line my superior advantages and arid ability go without and I backs unhesitatingly hesitatingly declare and my unparalleled record as a suc successful specialist in private ate dl diseases eases of or men V TT-V up ray my claim that more men have nave been cured by bV me of SEXUAL NERVO-SEXUAL DEh DE DE- the he h United BLOOD i a. a POISON and REFLEX DISORDERS within the last 35 years than by cm any twenty Bp specialists ch In States ates c This tact fact is self evident and Indisputable and with my rates more reasonable and treatment md ind na rH whose l m more doctors rc successful you ou do wrong to experiment with concerns whose methods are arc being frequently changed ore are the scrapings together of transient and defunct concerns Courtesy Courtes demands that we n no names In a newspaper but If IC you come to m my ray office I can furnish some semi valuable Information with the proofs to o 0 conclusive that you ou will wUl not regard them as selfish arguments t. t NERVO SEXUAL DEBILITY CURED Sexual Nervo-Sexual debility Is a term which I r use to designate a decline of oC power in the general system and t al also a loss 1059 of or certain special functions and powers power No matter what the cause It Is always as necessary in such cases caes I to correct detects defects so as to supply the true elements clement of lost force torce I f L This Is the keynote kenote of success in the treatment of Nervous Nerous OUS I Debility Seminal Weakness Premature Decline Lost Power and other weaknesses nil ahl Included under the sweeping term Sexual Debility The cure eure of oC these Infirmities Implies the restoration of tone in every organ of or the bod body and md the renewal of ot the tho N Nerve r e impulse or force Coree which Governs caverns and controls all organs I solved this problem a few ago go by study along the line tine of oC chemistry of or the human body and m my d discovery W was I that of oC means b by which I can enn revitalize the powe power o of the organism so eo as to cure Sexual Nervo-Sexual Debility In any of oC its fla forms forma or stages stases of or development In brief I en enable enable ena ena- a.- a. ble the process of oC nature to remove e waste tissue and supply new with the elements which are added to the system go so new forces that establish and maintain the natural powers of ot the body Thus I cure Ncr Sexual Nerve o Debility to stay cured AND ITS REMEDY S I Scrotal has been described as a creeping disease It silently steals upon Its victim like a 1 thief at at night and before he is really aware of oC Its presence great groat and damaging Inroads are made upon upon his tion The veins surrounding the spermatic cord become enlarged and engorged with Impure blood and diseased tissue At times this condition ma may be accompanied with 30 dull heavy dragging d pain In the small of oC the Ule tack back extending down into the parts lart low spirits weakness of or bod body ami antl brain nervous debility debity partial tal or comple complete loss los of or the sexual power and not Infrequently decline of or the general health All Ahl Al these disagreeable symptoms soon eoon disappear completely and forever under my cure which 18 IB safe fe paInless and bloodless Every clot of ot stagnant blood and every fiber of oC dl diseased tissue arc are driven from the affected parts part normal circulation is I re re-es reestablished re-e- re throughout the pelvic region the weakened organs become strong again and sturdy manhood is Ia 1 restored REFLEX AND ASSOCIATE DISEASES Are Arc those thoe which are ar present and act to to aggravate and favor ra the progress of the main man nl malady a y d-y I never nevor dismiss diss or ca case e until cured In every ery particular If I the case Is complicated with dropsy of ot the scrotum ITem Hem Her Her- Fissure n Fistula or any form torm of or disease I r cure such additional complaint also so s o that the cure may may maybe be perfect and permanent t I j m Reflex effects of all pelvic complaints are arc destructive to th the tone of oC the Sympathetic J Nerves erve The Ing log effects on th the tw general health holth and strength are arc demonstrated b by such uch manhood sapping agents aa as a Stricture Blood Bloat Poison and ad producing Discharge Virus I 1 cure euro both and nd effects and restore men inca so 8 o yb vie b by their own folly toly or by Inheritance of at Blood Bod Taint Personal and Correspondence Consultation FREE Address r i I Off Office R Rooms 19 18 St. St Elmo Elino Hotel and rh Third 24 South Sou St. St t |