Show C POLITICAL NOTES Capt C O. O T. T Bridges of Eureka one of the old line Republicans of or Juab county Is ll in the city Capt Bridges expresses es the opinion that the tho contest In Juab county this fall Call will be a i hot one and he be believes cs that the Republicans have a fair fall show to win out I Friends of oC F. F H. H Holzheimer arc are ur urging ing him to become a candidate for the Legislature from Juab count county again this fall Mr was v-as a u memmer memmer mem- mem mer of or the last Legislature and made madea a splendid record He lie succeeded In getting a number numb r of oC vcr very meritorious bills enacted into laws lawf and ami also made madea a a. record for or never talking talking- without saying say say- ing something He lie was sas practically the leader of the Democratic minority Inthe in inthe inthe the House S S S James F. F Smith who is one of oC the three candidates for Cor the County nomination on the Republican ticket says that he deems his hlll chances for success quite favorable fa S S S Senator Ferdinand Alder of Sanpete count county IR 15 In the elt city Senator Alder Aider agrees with other Sanpete Republicans In the prediction that the county will willbe willbe be be found in the Republican column again this fall S SI C Col t. t C. C Ed Loose of oC Provo who will probably h be a Republican candidate for the L Legislature from Utah county this fall tall Is II In the cIt city He says Utah count will be county safely Republican S I S W. W V W. Wilson who han handles les the mall mail mallor for or the town of or Sandy has concluded that he will enter the race lace for one of or the e County on the Republican ticket I I I II F. F I F. F of oC m Big Cottonwood is enjoying a boom boon for Cor a Legislative e nomInation nomination nomination nom nom- on the Republican ticket |