Show r Personal Persona and Society l 1 4 t Justice and Mrs Irs Georgo George W. W f ff f 4 Bartch announce the thc encasement f of ot their daughter Minnie All Alice co coD f D Bartch to William IIa Child Chilli f 4 former formerly of ot Boston The marriage f 4 will be bo solemnized early Oarl this fall f 4 AT THE BEEHIVE HOUSE t Miss Acnes Rose Hose Lane w was guest of or honor nt at a social Catherine at nt the Beehive Dec Bee hive house Tuesday evening c which was arranged b by th the relief society of ot the Mormon Mor olor ormon or- or mon church Speeches son songs s and recitations reel reel- were ere the of or the evening c FOR FOE MISS FERGUSON May MaP ola Crane rano Miss entertained Tuesday In honor of ot lIss Corey non fion who will be married next week Tho rooms were decorated in Iii pink Dink Ink and arid landel laven n tier del Tho Those e pr present besides tho the guest of ot honor were wore Mrs Mrs Dun Dun- yon on Mrs I tr Miss Florence Dow Miss s 9 essio Snyder Miss Clark Clare Stella St Clark MIs De Miss 1159 1 Miss ightman Mrs Clark Clar and Edith Crane I RECEPTION A wedding reception was tendered red to Mr tr Ir and Mrs oIls DC Do Soto Donaldson Wednesday Wednes da day evening at the home homo of or the brides bride a parents Mr 11 and Mrs oils Geor George Georce E 1 SIrs Mrs 11 and und Mrs Irs as assisted lt 1 Mr Ir and Mrs Irs Donaldson on In receiving recel and andIn In Sn the room dining-room Misses Lydia Weller eller and Rose Hose Heath served refreshments A t host of or friends called coiled to extend best wishes to the young couple Mr oIl and Mrs s. Donaldson ym make their home In this city IU MISS DOW ENTERTAINS Miss iss Florence Dow was ns hostess at nt an nn afternoon Wednesday given complimentary corn com to Miss 1159 Corey Ferguson Tho The quests guests were MI Misses Sue Suo and Stella Clark Ma May and I 1 Crane Mary Ian and Bessie Mayne Ireland Eberhardt owl s Lam- Lam bourne Shields Colbath Staller and PLEASANT KENSINGTON Mies Mits Olive OlIo and Miss tI s Charlotte Holmes ero of honor at nt a Kenington Ken- Ken ington Tuesday evening c gh given n by Mrs J. J Jb A. A t. t Vincent AT COMMERCIAL CLUB Mrs Fisher her Harris and Mrs Mra Pfoutz tavo tl a luncheon at tho Commercial club Thursday FOR MISS TRUMAN Miss dIss Jane la J Mackintosh l gave cave a n. luncheon Tuesday da complimentary to Miss Truman p fit Chicago o. o SOCIAL NOTES Miss Edith I has returned from Brighton S S Miss 1158 Jano Jane Mackintosh will open her new studio In the Constitution building September Tho Tue 1 cs Weli Welby left for Eureka toJla to- to to visit with friends S Mrs Twomey and ml Miss lIss Twomey enter enter- tamed for Cor Mrs Irs Pinkerton of ot Chicago Thursday afternoon G Gertrude and Myrtle M Reilly have o returned from a trl to Denver cr S S Mrs JoIn Holmes and Misses Lola and CharIott Charlott Charlotto Char- Char lotto lott Holmes will leave for or Santa Monica next week I The of Miss Hester Cannon and Daniel Danti 1 B. B Richards will be given chen at tho thu Cannon Carmon home next Wednesday a Miss lIss Lottie Jackson a t teacher acher of ot the tho Proctor academy will r return turn next week from irom a trip abroad I I Dr and Mrs 1 W W. F. F Beer and children spent tho the carl early part of or the ck wc wc-ek In I Provo ruvo canyon Georce George Kircher of or Pueblo Colo Cole and Miss Mies Lillian I 1 of or San Diego Cal were married d In this city last Iu Tues s- s da day After Arter spending a week here the they will ili go co to Pueblo their future home Mrs Stanley Stanle Price Is expecting Mrs i of San Francisco to be her guest shortly MIs Misses Helen Clark and Ardella Ardelia Bitner Ita a returned from New York where they have o been studying elocution under Alfred Mfred Ayers Acra the past summer S Mr and Mr Mrs John N. N Sharp Miss Rice and Mrs 2 Andrew Dowd left Wednesday for tor the tho home of ot Mrs Dowd Dowel In Sunnyside Mrs Russel L. L Tracy will return from California about the middle of ot September S Mr II and Mrs Robert J. J Glendinning Leta lc 2 McMillan and Miss Margie 1 ha have returned to tho the city after spending a week weck nt at t the Annie nnie Laurie mines On 0 en II ir Gra Gray of or Des Moines la Ta Is Is' Is visiting his mother Mrs 2 Hoyt and Maj liot hoyt at nt Fort Douclas Douglas Miss Mae Twomey will return to Chicago Chi Chi- tago cago September Ith Hh to lo continue her mu- mu studies S Ml Miss s McCaa of ot Philadelphia who has been the gu guest st of or Mrs H. H S. S Knight has returned to her home Mr fr and Mrs Irs J. J S S. S Daveler and antI son eon Erie Erl have havo returned from the East S S S Mrs C. C W. W Lockington has gone East a visit i S S S Miss Lillian Oliver OlinI has returned from her vacation S S S Miss Beaulah left for tor Pocatello Ida Wednesday morning to visit her sis sis- tel ter Mrs Irs 1 F. F S S. S S S S 1 Miss Bessie U Chandler r will attend Welles- Welles lc Ic Icy this season Beason Mrs Earl Vivian lan McCune has returned 1 Irom the Ea East Eaxt t. t S S S MI Miss Mit s J J. J J. J entertained at dinner Wednesday In honor of ot tho the Rev Dr Al- Al brUton britton S S Miss er who has been the guest guc-et of ot Miss 1188 E Edith for the past month has haa sono gone to Los Angeles s to Visit S S Miss Inez Ine Van Sant and the Misses NoSon No- No cl- cl Son Mn of ot American Fork ForIe have returned from Ogden Mrs Irol R R. R H H. Terhune has haJ returned from Colorado S S S Mrs In James C C. C Lenry and daughter Lorine will leave o Sunday for tor Kansas CIl City Mo for tor a months month's visit to relatives S S Maj laJ and antI Mrs R. R W. W Young YounA have ha an nn- the engagement of ot their daughter daugh daugh- ter tel Margaret to Lucian A. A Rn Ray rho Tho will be solemnized In October Mrss Ir s. s David Da S. S Murray and Mrs Irs D. D C C. RI Roberts will be tie hostesses nt at tho the Country club yUb this afternoon Tea rca will bo be served at 4 o o'clock clock and table tahle dinner at 63 Miss Ruth Kirkpatrick entertained at the nc he Country club yesterday for Mrs S S S The marriage of ot Miss Pearl Buckle and Charles v-narles Luff Lurr will be bo solemnized d this even even- ins inc at al the home homo of ot the brides bride's mother Miss Iss Mary olary Copley Cople who has been the guest of Dr and Mrs Irs Le La LeMay May for tor several vC weeks Ica has ha returned to her bel home homo In Lawr Lawrence Law Law- r rence renco nce Kan Kim S S S Miss s Rosalie Pollock tup supervisor of or the Primary grades In tho the city schools If Is back from St St. Paul where she sho attended tho the eon con convention of or the National Educational association S S S t. t turned Mr Ir lf and Mrs Mr H- H HF F F. Ensign have re returned returned re- re from California S S Mr MI and Mrs Mra- I Ledyard dyard M. M J. J Bailey Dalley and their guests arc back from a n tr trip through time tho Yellowstone day rt Mrs Mra Albert S s s- Da Day S a W will 11 return on Mon Ion Island from l Sf her summers summer's outing near Park ark Ida S S S r Col vV an and Mrs Irs N N. NN N W. Clayton and Miss Clayton Claton n left c this Detroit morning for tor or where whre studies s Clayton n will tako tak UP tip h her r musIcal mU mu- S S S ant sant Mia l iv Worthen orthen was nil GI given GIn n a pleasant plea plea- surprIse Tuesday evening b by a number number nUm num- ber or of her S S S 1 The Rev nev V Dr r- r Albritton of ot the First well church win will be given ehen a fareWell faret fare fare- at t the thc church next Tuesday Tuesday Tues Tues- day evening S S S Miss inh Jane Mackintosh entertained yes yes- erd 1 In honor r ot of f Miss Truman Trunian o or of Chi Chi- cago S US Mi-cs Edna Dean Davis ls from has returned California and Is the tho ot of Miss tUss el n Thomas S S S SOn On One Wednesday e iss SU Suette ette Reiser and were united In ln marrIage at t tho C Salt Lake Lako Temple S S Mrs Irs II 11 ID D Miss lIss ck Ellerbeck Misi Mis Geneva Irit anti and Miss ISS Ada Afla Ellerbeck Eller- Eller beck hele Ire are r to return rr from m lh the tho coast car early l next week S S S Mrs J. J F. F Evans ot of Denver Is visiting Judge Jude nail Mrs Irs J. J M. M Bowman S S 5 chico Mrs Irs Dr Worthington Is In San Fran Fran- and will not return fo for several se weeks S S S Mr Ir and antI Mrs David ld McCarthy are ex exp ex- ex p to return early carl next week from Yellowstone park ark After Alter for tor a week eck at the home of Mr 11 j. j A A. Pollock OCK they will leave for tho the East |