Show RECIPROCITY AGREEMENT I GERMA AMERICA DEAL IS NOW PROCLAIMED It is the Result of Sharp Diplomatic Maneuvering Over a Period of Several I Sev-eral Years I I Washington July HThe German I American reciprocity agreement which I was proclaimed today here and in Berlin Ber-lin appears to be the result of sharp diplomatic maneuvering over a period of several years In the meaning of the favored nation clause Germany formerly had only one tariff schedule for all nations but In the years preceding pre-ceding 1892 seven reciprocity treaties I were made with AustriaHungary Russia Italy Belgium Roumania and some other countries These gave h preferential tariff to the countries mentioned In return for concessions allowed al-lowed Germany Germany made no reciprocity treaty with the United States but under the most favored nation clause of the general treaty between this country I and Germany it wus held that the I United States was entitled to the same preferential tariff allowed by Germany lo Russia Italy and the other countries coun-tries mentioned When therefore the United Slates gave reciprocity reductions reduc-tions to France the German authorities I authori-ties asked for similar reductions under the favored nation clause and as evidence evi-dence of the justice of their request I they pointed to the fact that the United I States was gettjng the preferential duties du-ties from Germany through the operation opera-tion of the favored nation clause Moreover it Is probable that if the United States had not given Germany the same reductions allowed to France the German preferential tariff Including Includ-ing the United States with Russia Italy Austria etc would have been withdrawn I was therefore settled that the German preferential rates would be confirmed by the United States and tlat the United States would give Germany the Fame tariff reductions already accorded France Italy and Portugal The German tariff covers several hundred hun-dred items and on a considerable percentage per-centage of these the preferential rate iso marks per 100 kilograms the preferential pref-erential rate 350 marks per 100 kilograms the rate is grams Oi corn regular 2 marks preferential rate lUO marks On meat ham bacon etc the regular rate Is l 20 marks preferential rate lOn l-On machinery the preferential rate is in some cases only onehalf the regular reg-ular rate Bed wine in i casks used for mixing sent In considerable quantities quanti-ties from California Germany and on this the regular rate Is 24 marks pet 100 kilograms while the preferential is 10 There are many other like reductions reduc-tions In the preferential rate all of which the United States will now enjoy en-joy under the reciprocity agreement not by reason any favored nation clause heretofore but by virtue of I the agreement now proclaimed giving the preferential rates a distinct right to which American importers are entitled en-titled V > ii v |