Show Daisy Loan Authorized 59 Tile court having granted the petition V peti-tion and authorized the receiver for ii the Daisy Mining company to borrow pdrT 5000 with which to undertake tha redemption 11flt re-demption of UB propertIes on the West fl Dip at Mercur II la expected that operations oper-ations will be utartcd uo atonco at both mine and mill That thin will be ifl ij done elicited many expressions approval il ap-proval yesterday aa many persons bee be-e lirve that West Dip will yet bo made tt productive notwithstanding the dlaoa 4 polntmeuts that are scattered over the locality In his statement to the court Hecolver Moon expressed himself 03 confident of his ability lo put the proposilion upon an earning basis His views arc concurred In by a number oC competent mining men who have sampled sam-pled tho property and the shareholders who itumber more than 100 will watch the progress of operations with the greatest Interest Tho receiver was at McrcUr yesterday and will probably have some interesting announcements on his return |