Show Salt Palace Sncrml Concert The sacred concert In HIP Salt Inlace tonight at 830 by l the band will be more classical and more pleasing than over In the theater a strictly refined performance H be given by the inem her of the stock company A magnificent magnifi-cent feature will bo the flrflt appearance appear-ance of Mien OIL Jlaydon Americas greutcHt female baritone The great Australian juggler Kalacratus will I perform marvelous teals the Orlans colored quartette will sing Southern I negro melodies and give a great 100 cakewalk the rained I bulldogs will perform and Lrf wlf and Lake will present the Tramp nnd Soubrette Admission to the grounds will be 10 cents and will Include the band concert con-cert The usual admission 10 centS cer will be charged the theater |