Show Bingham Operations The Bingham Bulletin says On Tuesday another Installment of Shaw inut mill machinery was delivered It Included three Montana Jigs one set of Economic 13x30 rolls and four Wilfly tables Half of the equipment is nowhere now-here and lie balance en route Active Ac-tive selllngup ork is j progressing and by the 10th of August the wheels should bo ready lo turn Grade for a gravity tramway to be 000 feet in length and connect You and I mine with the mill is completed and about ready for tics and iron You and I Is ono of the most prolific of the Shawniut group and will draw largely from it The Silver Shield is raising from four to six tons daily of ore that carries about the same value as late shipments 35 to JO per cent lead 3 to 4 per ceU copper 40 ounces silver and St 1 gold A 25ton lot was shipped last Sunday und another of fifty to sixty tons is togo to-go out ubont the 20th At no time has the Shield looked so well as at present |