Show 7 14w WEST MOUNTAIN SURVEY cnlr 181 Prof Emmons Is Now Hero to Push Forward the Work With rtlfnrYahgemenls the undertaking ti under-taking completed Prof Samuel Frank lip Emmons the eminent geologist A whose name or HO long a tIme has 41111 been Inseparable from Ih6 work of the lIu Inlted Staten geological survey ar rHed In town again yesterday and will nl onco begin the collection of data for Ihc completion of the report upon tin Ut economic geology ol West Mountain mining district for which topographic fcurvpys and maps were completed due irt jug thf winter This report will be oL jilmllar to that which wan made upon condlllons al Mrrcur and Tintic and In rIv of developments that lave drawn 4 no mUch attention lo Blnuim an a e producer of copper ore the professor t 2 in looking forward to his researches 4 with keenest interest He will bo as hiBtcd by Mr J M Boutwell a new St 3 auslHtaiit In this field whose arrival i1 jlrecedij thai of Prof Emmons several 1 daytfVJml as a beginning they will go up Cottonwood canyon today to study re J the rocks of the Wasatch range before I entering actively upon the Oqulrrh In which Dlnghnm Is situated This vol I unleered Prof Emmonn Is for compar tai1 aUve Information The preliminary work at Bingham It will bo remembered 2oy remem-bered was conducted last fall and during dur-ing the Inter under the direction of i Richard IT Goodf und staff whose part Inc of the undertaking deals with the surface sur-face This out of the way Prof Em mons win examine Into the geological features of the great mineralbearing region Inquire Into the occurrence of its ores and give his attention to physf cal conditions as they arc revealed In j the various minus In all of this ho IB A promised the active cooperation of tho fTL miner and owner and his report will be I I put forward to earliest possible completion I LW com-pletion Prof Emmons first visited this country coun-try thirtytwo years ago and Is accordingly 4 the ac-cordingly much Interested In changou that HUbscquent development has made 4 In August his observations will haveS have-S been practically completed when he it will be relieved of his field duties by fln Arthur Keith who will close the campaign oL cam-paign at Bingham |