Show A Cup of ITot AYntor before breakfast with Grays Stomach Powders will euro any case of dyspepsia dyspep-sia or catarrh of the stomach no matter mat-ter how long standing SOc at Smith Drug Co Programme For concert nt Lagoon Sunday July 15th by Olsens orchestra The Thunderer Sousa Lyric 2 Schlcppegrell Orienlale Bulcalossl Emma Louisa cornel solo by Mr HIJger Pottee The Winner Mackio Pause des Sultnnea Daniels Selection Grand Duchess Offenback Greater New York Hermann Trains leave every hour after 130 p m Concerts at 330 arid 730 p m LN 1ND PR CND SHLT LAKE CITY Thcro Is no nicer cooler or plcasanter place to get a refreshing glass of todi water than at our store Our Jrlnlw are not all fancy ones yet they are ill goM and wholesome once tested always requested re-quested What delightful sensations aro experienced after partaking of a class cf our soda water Coma and try one loi will like It OConnors Drug Store Enst side of Main Street 4 Below the Zenyon Mantelis9 Urats Tiles Cur Golden Oak Is the most superb effect ever produced In weed AArc have a fine selection of new tiles In Onyx and Marble Colors Mantels in Oak Birch Cherry Sycamore BirdsEye Maple Ma iiocany Curly Birch Call and examine our new stock ELIAS MORRIS SONS CO SONINSURANCE AGENCY FIRE LIFE AND ACCIDENT u Telephono P 0 Box 977 195 I N S U iRA N Q < E < 131 South Main St Salt Lake City ALL OUR COMPANIES ISSUE BLANKET POLICIES COEBIlU ENTIRE CONTENTS OF DWELLING UNDER ONE AMOUNT WITH NO CHARGE FOR GASOLINE OR LIGHTING CLAUSE Scottish Union and National of England S183523CS London Assurance of England 18216753 HamburgBremen of Germany 5000000 Aetna of Hartford 12069059 Firemens Fund of California 3309405 Norwich Union of England 6500000 Transatlantic 2931330 S Royal Exchanco Assurance rr 234J M = trtrSK P Suniin er Sa le P Some are not but ours Is a GENUINE one m I c Cost of goods not considered everything goes at prices which con not be beat If REFRIGERA TORS 4 OIL and GASOLINE STOVES j jCE CREAM FREEZERS LAWN MOWERS Etc w s5 Do not miss thisopporturniv M 6eo IlL Scott = Streell lldw Co ss 168 MAIN 77FFT 1 > JM JLjJ rJtTL A Y J JL iL JLsJLs A Is T |