Show Brevities The Odd Fellows Saltalr excursion la next Tuesday l R P Hayward of Salt Lake City was up yesterday The regular Sunday services at all tho churches today I H H Spencer returned yesterday from I his business trip East Garrett ONeill returned home yesterday from a Wyomlner trip State Senator W P Ncbckcr was an Ogden visitor yesterday Dr S W Wherry left Friday night for I the ISast on a vacation The Short Lines will be In Ogden today i and play tho Ogdcns this afternoon C S Williams and Charles Andrews of Salt Lako were In Ogden ycalcrduy on business I I Work is progressing rapidly on the remodeling re-modeling of the front of the 7 C M I i main building Tho new Tray laundry building I near lug completion 11 will be finished and occupied this week The Indications last night were for storm and thu farmers of Weber were praying for rain Sheriff Layno took the man Saunders I to the pen yestcrdn to serve his four years sentence for burglary i This morning about Jiloclock arc due to pass through OGden going west 500 soldiers and llfteen officers of tho Fir teenth Infantry Dr Leland Walker of Ulngham came to Ogden Friday and yesterday accompanied his daughter Mrs A 13 Ilajes and fain ily on a lake trip to Antelope Island There Is not a dour mill In Weber coUnty now being oncnUcd by water pow or as be I WH lor In both rlvcres Is too low to use In that manner Thero Is less wn Iter In the rivers now than was over known before at this time of year MaJ Breeden said yesterday that tho report In The Tribune a few days ago that Miss Virgie Brecden wa engaged to a Salt Lake gentleman Is without foun dation and that some one was guilty of bungling IIn attempted Joke The amateur league ball gnme Frldny night was between the Southern PaHtlc and the Z C M 1 teams and was won by Iho former by a score of S to J Tho order of the clubs In their percentage of games won up to date la Scow rort Read Southern Pacific Union Pacific and Z C M 1 1 I |