Show I SCOFIED FUND DIVIDED Apportionment of Money to Beneficiaries i ONESIXTH TO BE PAID NOW List of Sufferers Prepared and tho Sums to bo Paid to Them as the First Installment Basis of the Apportionment Ap-portionment to Widows Children and Parents of Those Who Met Death in tho Great Disaster Balance of the Fund to be Paid Out as Soon as the List is Completed The following approximately complete com-plete list of the beneficiaries of the Sco Held relief fund has been prepared by Secretary Hammond and payment of the amounts stated will be made tomorrow to-morrow I in estimated that the present pres-ent payment will consume onesixth of the total fund and the remaining live sixths will be paid as soon as the list It completed The basis of apportionment for the present payment Is Widows over 60 years of age 5120 widows under 50 years of age JOG i boys under ll years of age lS girls under years of age 18 single parents 20i both parents over f 0 years of age 180 both parents under 50 ells of age lnO The list gives the name of the party to whom payment will he made together vlih the number of children or parent beneficiaries bene-ficiaries In the family ae the case maybe may-be The deferred payment will be according I ac-cording to present estimates live times I the amount now paid which Is 163JO Ida Anderson widow and two children 13 Thiirea Burns and four children IGS Bell HJnlnson widow v wi Bel Mrs Ann Brogden widow and four children 16 Walter Clark father both parents living liv-ing > 330 William R Clurk father both parents pa-rents living 15 Mrs E Clark widow and one child Ill William Coulhard father both parents pa-rents living 150 Mary Ann Davis widow and seven children 222 Gladys Davis widow liM Henry Davis father both parents living 11 R J DoiiKlus wjdow three children 1CO rilurliim DIxon widow and one child Ill Hannah M Evann widow and ono child Ill Martha KWIIIH widow and three children chil-dren < iso Vllllam l vins father both pareniK living ISO Jlsiry A Evans vldow nnd four children chil-dren IKS Sarah J KdwiirclH widow t Jciiru to Ferrciis widow and three children > IO Ruth Farrlsh widow nnd live children 1SC Mary Jane Franklin widow and llvo I children ISO I I Mary Fnrrlsh widow and six children VR I Maggie Caves widow special ease IS 1 Annn Gatherum widow and four chil dren lS ISVttiiKcllne Gnlherum widow anti ono 1GS child lit i Blozb Goimlln widow and ono child Ill Mary Gourdin widow and thuo children chil-dren 150 jO ChrlJtlnna Hunter widow and three children 150 Johanna Hunter widow and four chi dren 163 16 Maggie Hunter widow anti three chi dren 1M John W Hunter father both parents living ISO Mcrlcka Hondo widow ami ono child S Mary Kuhluta widow and one child Ill chid II Salamu JIundrcs widow and two chi dren 1 32 Annlo TIanlee widow 05 Rttla Ilonpals widow and two children 111 Susana Jilns worth widow and three I children ICO Phoobo M lames widow and three chlMren nnl 112 Mlnnlo h Jucobson widow itC Eugenia Johnson widow and throe chlldrn iro Lewis Jorey father both narents Hv lag 1 HO Ellzabath Jones widow ami three chili lt I dren i ICO Margaret Jenkins wlilmv JHJ Sarah T Jones I widow I and seven chil I dren i 222 I Elizabeth J Klrlon widow and four children 1R3 Mnrln Korbela widow and ono chilI Ill I Mary Kansas widow and two children 1 T2 Alary Krrbl AVldow 06 I Ida Kteki widow and one child Ill I Ilulda KcvlcahM widow and two children chil-dren 132 Uzzlu Kantnnn widow and two children chil-dren J72 Lizzie Kctotn widow and one chllil Ill KriiHta Koskl mother and ono chlJL IS Maria Klamnlo mother 120 Tlkllc Kongof widow md one child Jit Maria Lncma widow and two children 132 Abraham huoinn father both parents I pa-rents living II 1FO I Annie Luomn widow 110 William Jvoyahon father both parents living il Annlo Luoma widow and four children lOS Ida Loonl widow and one child Ill Annie Moycl widow and four children ins Horrlct Lloyd widow and live chlUlen ISO Margaret J Longslort and two chll drnn 132 I Thomas Ijlvscy father both parents living > iso Elmira Low widow and ono child Ill Slain Maekl widow and one chlh J W 11 Wilhulmin Mackl widow and foUr chi g dren > 1 Jennet Mulr widow 12 24lirrnret drtiii Miller widow and five chll 151 Anna crln Nlpml widow nnll two children 132 Sophia OJnn widow md one child133 OJfI John living L Price father both parents Ir 1lnE and three Catherino n lehl widow Hld children 150 Margaret iuYslV widow and four chi 1r3 tlrtn Mary rtn ApHmniiV widow and three 1 1W chfldron c Allcw Pndllclil widow r Anna Pack widow i Alury nnn Pnrmloy widow and four chil 11 1 lg dren v Jwfllr PalllHon widow M LhrlHtlnna flinuipo widow 96 Sarah J Reese widow and two children chil-dren 132 AiU JRolliy widow anti throe children 1M TpI wklow and live children W Jlnchil Rlloy wilow 1C chldrCn 1 Inclll Hll Mary ReeSe widow and slri children 201 Anna Strain widow r lO Anna I Stewart and ono child 1 Mrlnthlnla Strung widow and two children 132 Jennlt Sairmcis widow ant four chll 163 lren 16 Sophli Silo widow W Susana Sllcln widow and three chll dren Sleln 150 Eiizth11i Sl rsles nnd three eh drcn 150 Ann Sirm widow and two children 132 Martha Thomas widow and ono child all Evan S Thomas father both parents llvlnt 1m c > Ann Thonias widow and six children 201 Jane IJllerthorn widow Tohrnna Uppa widow I Sarah C Williams widow i Sarh SIan nnd nni fl chidren f 81rlh r WIHln widow 01 lw h l1 r Cttndtce vi x m Lict EI7b th Wilson Idow 11711 I 1 11210 Wilson widow 3n 11 5CVC n C jL l ilron c Alex Wilann father both pacnts I In Isabel Webber widow and thr i drcn i > ch It Maud Webber widow U Mary T Wllllnmtt md four chAr r chid Susan Welatcad widow and fouriliS an chi dron Inl A E Wnt501 widow anlllh l children r Total |