Show MASSACRE AT PEKING Admiral Hemey Makes No Mention of it in His Cablegram Washington July 14 Secretary Long has Just rUC2ived the following cablegram from RearAdmiral Remey commanderlnchlef of the naval forces on the Asiatic station Che Foo July 141 Secretary Navy Washington Two Japanese transports S arrived today Landed commander and marine regiment stores field pieces and ammunition Report Chinese defeated de-feated at two new positions commanding command-ing the river communication with Tien Tsin REMEY The importance of this cablegram In the opinion of Secretary Long lies in tho fact that It makes no mention of the massacre at Peking which It would surely do had the story come to Admiral Ad-miral Remeys cars LONG is HOPEFUL The official statement trom St Petersburg Pe-tersburg tonight that no news of the murder of the Russian Minister at PeklnI had been received In the Russian Rus-sian capital was a source of gratification gratifica-tion to officials here X came as a ton distinct relief to Mr Wu who said Ie I wns glad that the report proved unfounded un-founded as he fully believed would be the case Secretary Long said the report re-port had turned out as ho expected and that the story and Its official disclaimer dis-claimer only tended to strengthen his confidence that the legations arc still safe Up to a late hour tonight Minister Min-ister Wu had received no roply to his message asking for a direct fommunl cntlon to Peking FAVORS BOXERS Secretary Buy has received l an undated un-dated dispatch from CoiiBUlOncral Goodnow at Shanghai stating that tho Governor of Honan Shiuisl has Issued In Its terms favorable a proclamation ten u to the Boxers Honan Shansl Is tho province lying immediately j northwest of Shanghai and between that city and Peking SITUATION IS WORSE ConsulGeneral Goodnowa short dispatch dis-patch represents all that the State or Navy departments represent know of the developments devel-opments In China within the last twen tyfour hours His news only goes to confirm the general belief that the situation sit-uation In China Is steadily growing worse Instead of bettor f IMPASSABLE BARRIER The Honan Shansl referred tohY Mr the Vice Goodnow as the place whnro roy appears to favor the Boxers Is said at the State department to La |