Show WATER the JVciw last evening spoke of the danger to people from using well water and says its attention was forcibly called to the matter by reading in some eastern exchange of the many dangers and fatalities arising from this source It is not necessary to go to an eastern exchange ex-change to learn of the danger of drinking water from wells where there is so much irrigation as in Salt Lake City and where there is no proper drainage nor any regulation of garbage or cesspools cess-pools Why cannot our city have such regulations of thesethings as will insure a partial mitigation of the dangers arising from this unhealthy state of things Asa As-a sample of our streets it is only necessary neces-sary to cite Second East street near Emigration Em-igration Square to show how all of our streets are more or less made into dumping dump-ing grounds Again look at West Temple Tem-ple street near Eighth South which is almost worse yet and this is on one of the principal driving streets in fact is on I what is called the Drive I But a few days ago this paper said that in our streets were to be seen dead cats and dead dogs and we had some hope that they would be removed but they have not been removed and it is doubtful doubt-ful if they will be Last Sunday in returning re-turning from Fort Douglas we saw a dead dog in the street and only last night when coming from the D R G depot we saw a dead dog in the street and from all appearance it had been there some little time To which of our many city officers does it belong to see that such things are not done Or are we to be told that these are things over which the city has no control con-trol Is it not time that something was done to prevent the sickness that will surely come from such a state of filthi ness When things are in this condition condi-tion and we have so much irrigation can well water be anything else than unhealthy un-healthy What is the reason that they the-y council will not insist upon the officers of-ficers whom they appoint performing the duties of their offices Surely some of the city councillors know that filth and garbage in the streets are breeders of disease and that there will always bean be-an increased death rate from the prevalence I preval-ence of any disease So long and so irresponsible irre-sponsible have our city officers been in place and power that to complain of them is deemed a rebellion against the masters by the slaves The taxpayers are used merely as a means of support for incompetent men who could not in any other capacity than that in which they now serve or rather in which they are served command above onehalf of the salaries they now get Hamlet soliloquized sol-iloquized about the insolence of office but insolence of office was a new born I I babe then and to have seen it in manhood man-hood and full splendor of the size of Thor Hamlet should have lived in Salt Lake City What a revelation it would Lave been to him Will things be greatly different in the future from what they are now We scarcely dare hope it although man will occasionally indulge in the illusions of hope But why should the JVcics complain com-plain about well water The gentleman who at present edits that paper has been for many years vainly endeavoring endeav-oring with others on the dry bench to induce the city to do something towards helping the citizens to get water not water to waste and run in the streets but water for drinking and culinary purposes When the fruitlessness of such efforts comes to to the minds of the dry benchers bench-ers dp they ever think that they themselves them-selves have endorsed the party which gives them a stone when they ask for bread the party which when they cry aloud we die of thirst gives them in return re-turn an assurance of damnation if they leave this party whose sole interest is their welfare this Peoples Party Only so recently as last night a petition from the dry bencherswas presented to the City Council Coun-cil on the water question and the petition peti-tion was accompanied by a report on the feasibility of the undertaking asked made by Charles L Stevenson civil engineer On page six of this petition we read At the time when the project of constructing construct-ing the Salt Lake City Canal required the sanction of the vojers of this City the inducements in-ducements strongly urged upon the people 1 peo-ple of our locality was that an ample supply sup-ply of water was to be provied for the whole City Further those high in authority in the City Government Gov-ernment stated publcily that upon its completion a redistribution of the water supply would be made and the bench lands thereby be made happy Is it possible that those who are high in authority in city matters can have been untrue to their promise Are you ye dry benches not made I Chappywhen you helped to hold in position I those who are bight in authority You had your way at the polls and in your platform said that the Peoples Party was without defalcation in office and without reproach in principle j then why have not the things which were promised been done Can it be that there is a doubt as to the fitness of the men who fill the offices and of the manner man-ner in which they are selected Let the dry benchers learn that those who are high in authority could not be there if they themselves would assert their independence inde-pendence and rights and that they themselves them-selves are the sole source from which any authority in municipal matters can be derived de-rived that as citizens and dry benchers they leave the power to reform these < 0 > things and that grievances should be corrected at the polls and not by petition to those high in authority |