Show NEARING THE END Grant in a Critical Condition Throughout Through-out the Bay The Consultation This Afternoon Gives No Hope It May he a Few Hours and at the Best a Few Bays Last Night With Grant NEW YORK April ICol Fred Grant said shortly after midnight that his father had fallen fast asleep and although all was quiet he should remain up with his father all night At 2 a m General Grants house was closed ar d dark and to all appearances there were no grounds for apprehension of a fatal termination of the < tonight I to-night I HIS CONDITION THIS MORNING NEW YORK April IThe following bulletin was given out at630 am General Grant rested well until 4 a m hen he was seized with an attack of weakness from which he rallied At 355h m exSenator Chaffee left General Grants house He said General Grant was very low but conscious that he was dying Mr Chaffee believed that the General was dying and he might pass away any minute but the doctors said he might last the clay out At 9 a m exSenator Chaffee left General Gen-eral Grants IIe says the General is i growing veaker His throat is filling up but the main trouble is with the heart The doctors say he may die at any time GRADUALLY SINKING BUT NOT IN PAIN NEW YORK April 110 a m Authentic Au-thentic information at this hour is to the effect that General Grant is failing fast and that it is only a question of a few hours until the end is reached He is gradually sinking but is not sufferingany pain At 945 oclock Rev Dr Newman left General Grants house lIe was met by several reporters and said The General l solemnly realizes the fact of his prolonged pro-longed sufferings but the strength of his intellect and the calmness and serenity of his mind are wonderful A visitor who left the house at 10 oclock said that the General had rallied and was conscious and composed EVIDENTLY NEAR TIlE END Senator Chaffee states that the sudden weakness of General Grant 1hs morning was the result of an affection of the heart It is understood now 10 45 a m that the General has entirely lost the power of speech NEW YORK April 1 40a m General i Gen-eral Grant is still alivebut is sinking fast 130 a mThe consultation of General Gen-eral Grants physicians will be held at 2 I p m before which no bulletins will be issued It is now stated that General Grant is sitting up and is a trifle more I comfortable BULLETINS TO THE SENATE WASHINGTON April IAfter reading the Journal the Chair laid before the Senate Sen-ate several communications which he had I received in regard to the failing health of General Grant and asked if it was the pleasure of the Senate that the secretary I should read them Several Senators responded I re-sponded in the affirmative whereupon Associated Press bulletins were read from the secretarys desk SINKING RAPIDLY NEW YORK April Iat 122o p m General Badeau left Grants house to send a private message from the telegraph tele-graph office While there he said General Gen-eral Grant was very low and sinking rapidly rap-idly that he may die in an hour and he may live three or four days The General said he is sitting up all the time except at long intervals when he lies down for a little time He is surrounded by all the members of his family and Dr Douglas is in attendance THE CONSULTATION TIllS AFTERNOON NEW YORK April IGeneral Badeau telegraphed to Colonel Payne at Washington Wash-ington that at the consultation of the physicians of General Grant this afternoon after-noon it was doubtful if i the throat was in a condition to be examined but that if it should be in a condition it was doubtful if any good result would follow because the disease of the throat 5s regarded as beyond the control of the physicians NEW YORK April 1 245 p mIn response to an inquiry Col Fred Grant has just stated Father is very feeble and 1 think failing I hardly think he will get through the night THE LATEST BULLETIN At 245 General Grant was visited by Drs Barker Sands Shrady and Douglas His condition is an improvement upon that of last night He has no pain in swallowing takes liquid food as usual is free from an accumulation accumula-tion in secretion in the nares has had no attack of choking and return of weakness weak-ness His pulse is still quite feeble and is considerably impaired He his vitality has not been unconscious at any time I Drs Barker and Sands left the Generals Gen-erals house after the consultation Dr Barker said the General would live I through the night if no serious complications complica-tions would arise |