Show NEWS OP THE DAY Jeff Davis is seriously ill and may not recover Many people do not understand the reason why the Mahdiis called El It is simply an abbreviation the English habit of dropping the hs The Carson mint will suspend coinage coin-age until July 1st and the force will be reduced till then These are tho instructions instruc-tions of Secretary Manning News of the French rout in Tonquin was celebrated in high style by the New York Chinamen They hung out flags exploded firecrackers and thanked the heathen gods from whom all blessings flow Louis Riel is a thorn in i the flesh of J Canadian rulers Those who predicted I that when he left Montana last summer to go again among his people he would foment disturbances were true prophets Riel has bad blood in i his veins The Concord Public Library Committee Com-mittee in banishing Mark Twains new book Huckleberry Finnon the ground that it is trashy and vicious is said to have had in mind his speech at an Atlantic At-lantic Monthly dinner in which he made irreverent fun of such worthies as Longfellow Long-fellow Emerson and AVhittier Pearsons nomination as postmaster of New York is the strongest evidence yet that Cleveland is dead bent on civil service reform As mentioned in the DEMOCRATS dispatches yesterday the President investigated the charges against Pearson exonerated him and then in spite of tremenduotis party opposition nominated him for the position Oregon is bragging of some wonderful weather All vegetation is blooming and it hasnt rained for three successive days Bunch grass is abundant and immigrants im-migrants and excursionists are reported to be struck with wonder at the general appearance of the country So says a dispatch dis-patch but a dispatch that says it hasnt rained in Oregon for three straight days is not the kind of news to put any faith in The new Society of the White Cross organized in New York City Sunday night is a radical reform movement I move-ment for young men Its object is to maintain the law of purity as equally binding upon men and women If a I woman sin she may not be forgiven but I is banished to the street while her betrayer be-trayer is welcomed into society The I White Cross aims to change this and many divines are enlisted in the movement move-ment President Cleveland it is said in brushing around with his new retrenchment retrench-ment broom has indirectly struck a blow at the liberty of the Press with a big P I He has discontinued the National ScrapBook Scrap-Book and the 1800 editor is now looking I look-ing for a job with some readyprint house The duty of this hardworked party was to cull the sweet flowers of rhetoric rhe-toric indulged in by editors of both Republican Re-publican and Democratic tendencies and in fact everything relating to the administration admin-istration and paste them in huge scrapbooks scrap-books properly indexed where they would never again see the light of day There is wailing and gnashing of teeth in and about the White House by those heretofore holding sinecurepositions and still the work goes on |