Show THE COUNCIL OF TWELVE Important Business Conies tp for the Consideration of the City Fathers The regular session of the City Council last evening was attended by twelve members and presided over by Mayor Sharp After devotional exercises the minutes of the last meeting were read and approved A petition was read from James Hobertsham who asked permission to open and work a sand hole on the north L bench Committee on public grounds Henry Grow superintendent of the Temple building requested permission L to place wooden poles on East and North L Temple streets in order to steady the derrick der-rick stay ropes Granted with alacrit and unanimity John W Snell desired to purchase from S the city astrip of land near Hot Springs I i lake for which he was willing to pay 100 per acre Committee on public grounds Win B Barton represented that at his 3 own expense he had put in a flume on B street and requested the city to fill in the ditch on either side Irrigation committee com-mittee Oscar B Young asked the city to drain I the seepage of the Salt Lake City Canal I from his farm and pay him 100 for the damage done by the same to his crops during 1884 Canal committee Win Speed Richard Brimley and I others called attention to the fact that a flume under the Utah Central road on Eighth South street had been put in too high which caused the water to back up and cover their property Refered to t the watermaster The business men in the vicinity of Godbe Pitts corner complained of a nuisance that was allowed to exist on that corner The nuisance consisted of the groups of idlers that congregated there daily impeding the travel and causing their customers to go elsewhere They had frequently lodged complaints at the marshals office and nothing had been done The matter was referred to Marshal Philips with instructions to abate the nuisance A J Gunncll stated that he had paid 1290 as license on two coal delivery wagons and subsequently learned that the city ordinances did not require a license li-cense on such wagons He therefore askd that his money be refunded Referred Re-ferred to committee on license Postmaster Lynch requested that boards or placards be placed on all street corners with the names of the streets thereon in order to facilitate the free delivery de-livery system as many people did not know the name of the street they lived on Committee on improvements The report of the dry bench committee published elsewhere was then road and referred to the committee on irrigation and waterworks with the Mayor and Watermaster associated The committee on public grounds reported re-ported adversely on the petition of Mrs Crocl ron who desired to purchase eighty acres of land southeast of Ensign Peak Adopted The committee on irrigation reported on the petition of the Surplus Canal com mnv askincr necuninrv ciaaatoiito i 1nl o i J n recommended that the sum of 3000 be donated onefourth to be paid when the canal was half completed onefourth when it was threefourths completed and the balance when it was finally finished Report adopted In relation to the disposition of fines resulting from prosecutions for misdemeanors misde-meanors committed within the city it was resolved that such fines be devoted to the sole use of the city which would i I also pay all the expenses of the same except ex-cept the charges of the county attorney The sum of 25 was appropriated to J S Jansen for winding the city clock and the council then adjourned |