Show Opinions on the French drisis NEW YORK March 3IA cablegram gives the opinion of M Duclerc an ex Prime Minister lIe says I have no anxiety and I trust no Frenchman feels any France has gone through moreihan one crisis in Algeria and come out with honor Why not in China Another ex Minister said The situation is grave It is difficult to foretell what will come of it Retreat from Tonquin now we cant Bankers today feel that France has now made a headlong plunge into the unknown un-known War the Commune everything is liable to happen any moment Stockbrokers Stock-brokers however are confident the fall in values is purely ficticious and that there was never a better opportunity offered of-fered for capitalists to buy French securities securi-ties A prominent banker however said to the Herald correspondent This is merely the prelude The political movement move-ment now tends directly to the Commune Com-mune We shall pass through all the gradations of Liberals until we have for Prime Minister Clemenceau or Rochefort Then we shall have a mauvais quart dheure of the Commune then a sudden reaction to royalty then the pendulum will begin to swing again Sieul says No Frenchman dares mention men-tion withdrr before the Chinese The future of our possessions depend upon the mai tenance of the French name We must conquer China and Pekin Lc Paix appeals to the patriotism of all France and says this crisis abolishes party distinctions Intransigeant demands the trial and execution ofFerry |