Show I For the best 25 cent meal go to Merchants Mer-chants Lunch F H GRICE Prop For Finest Plastering and Ornamental Work call on JAMES WYATT Griffiths Restaurant Good Wholesome Meals For QS Cents THE BESTTHE MARKET AFFORDS D J Griffiths Prop No 26 MARKET STREET KELLEY BROTHERS Manufacturing StationersJ BLANK BOOKS BOOKBINDING and PAPER RULING Main Street first door north of Jones Dank up stairs Salt Lake City Utah ERY H E4 OT A < c j TOOLSGLOVES TOOLS GLOVES ERYPOCKET POCKETCU POCKET Give HO > NGTOOLS GLOVESBOX g Hfc COVERS NG G P4 I GiveSatisfac Z o 0 fc GUNCOVERS 9 BOX Satisfac g Of w b d H FU H H 00 SZJ W1 GUN SZJP W1O Z P O C Hl E4 E4 I i d w g l t1 Ij g m t r I V COo 0 o g O m c I y rI 8 o i tI i C H z Om = co JI d W > E 3 P JZ g I p CQ p 5 r tj r q CD 1 S > H D = I u r H p 1 i > f5 g rr i C12 r1 g s r C12 0 5 p4 0 0 o H rJ7 s 0 ur 3 E4 r z r o < C b bz Z C W DRESS AKINC Mr and Mrs DAVENPORTS RESS AND CLOAK MAKING PARLORS DRESS n firstclass CLOTHES CLEANING i I Establishment for ladies and gentlemens clothing Having been in business in Los Angeles An-geles Cal and Eastern cities we are thorough artists In our line and are prepared to give entire en-tire satisfaction to our customers No 30 W Third South street Denhalters new building CLOSING OUT REGARDLESS OF COST Our Entire Stock of SHIRTS UNDERWEAR HOSIERY NOTIONS And the Most Complete Stock ofT of-T ES TV DES JL H Y fEver f-Ever broughtto the Territory BAMBERGER Co Two Doors South of Postoffice HAWKES BROS BUTCHERS Fresh Meats of all Kinds Saussage a Specialty 201 8 First East St Salt Lake City J DAVIES T A I 31 O DFL I 241 Opposite Walker House Fit Guaranteed at 25 Suits Made to Order house in the west percent Cheaper than any Agent for Wanaker Brown THE Chicago Milwaukee AND 1 ST PAUL I RAILWAY COMPANY The last Built Best Equipped AND SHORTEST LINE BETWEEN COUNCil BLUFFS AND C BE ICAGC > AND ALL POINTS EAST The Scenic Line OF THE WORLD Denver RID Grande ESTEBN E E THE POPULAR Trans Continental Route I BETWEEN Salt Lake Gnnnison Leadville i Pueblo and Denver At which latter points DIRECT CONNECTIONS are made with trains for Kansas City Omaha Chicago St Louis And all Principal Points in the United States and Canada Train leaves Salt Lake EVERY DAY at 455 pm connecting with Central Pacific for the West PILE ATLANTIC EXPRESS TRAIN COMposed 1 COM-posed of the Celebrated Buffet and Sleep ing Cars elegant firstclass Coaches and Emigrant Emi-grant Sleeping Cars will leave Ogden daily at U30 am on arrival of train from San Francisco Fran-cisco and Salt Lake City at 1055 am making direct connection at Pueblo and Denver with trains for the East North and South THE PACIFIC EXPRESS TRAIN from Denver Den-ver Pueblo and Eastern points will arrive in Salt Lake City at 450 pm and Ogden at 610 pm making direct connection with the Central Cen-tral Pacific train for San Francisco and the Pacific Const LOCAL TRAINS leave Salt Lake for Ogden at 895 am Leave Ogden at 540 pm and arrive in Salt Lake at 700 pm Leave Salt Lake daily for Bingham at 725 Returning arrive at Salt Lake at 415 am pm AN ACCOMMODATION TRAIN leaves Salt Lake daily except Sundays at 500 am arriving ar-riving at Pleasant Valley Junction at 435 pm Returning leaves Pleasant Valley Junction at 700 am arriving at Salt Lake at 600 pms pm-s VST IE2ools General Freight and Passenger Agent D c R G Western Salt Lake City W H BANCROFT Receiver Utah Central E R Passenger Trains leave Salt Lake Daily as follows fol-lows lowGOIKG GOING NORTH Atlantic Express at 800 am GOING SOUTHExpress at 720 am Passenger Trains Arrive in Salt Lake Daily as I follows FROM NORTHAtlantic Express at 751 pm FROM SOUTH Express at 640 pm JOHN SHARP Genl dupt FRANCIS COPE Genl Fgt Pass Agt Sanpete Valley Railwy 0 Trains leave daily as follows Leave Moron eo 900am Arrive at Nephi 1100 am Leave Nephi 1200 m Arrive at Moroni iOOpm Stages connect at Mproui for all parts of San Pete and Sevier Private teams and spring wagons can be ordered or-dered by telephone at Nephi to be ready on arrival of trains at Moroni Price 4 per day driver paying all his own expenses S BAMBERGEU Manager Pioneer Fruit f Packing House of Utanl FRED C LYNGBERG Dealer in Foreign and Domestic FRUITS I Oysters Fish and Game Nbs 44 and 46 First SouthStreet Great Western TRUNK FACTORY Salt Lake Citv JOHN MANNING Prop Salesrooms No Ch E Second South St tactary Nos312 and 2U First East Street With increased facilities I am now prepared offerto the trade the finest assortment of Trunks to be found between Chicago and Sao Francisco at prices that defy competition An Inspection of my stock and prices will convince the most skeptical At my salesrooms can alwaysbe found a large and varied assortment of Trunks from the Toy Trunk to the Mammoth Saratoga including elegant ele-gant Satchels and valises of every desired pattern pat-tern at wholesale or retail Theatrical Trunks a Specialty I AM SEVER UNDERSOLD JOHN MANNING Established 1S69 KAHN BROS The well known and Reliable Wholesale attd Retail GROCERS Country Dealers will find it to their ADV AN TAGEto send their orders to the above ftrmt I I tl tlBetai1 Departn1on t The FRESHEST and BEST Goods are kept in Stock KAHN BROS SALT LAKE CITY UTA DWYERS 1 NEW BOOK STORE Is the only FirstClass Book and Stationery Establishment In the city where everything in the BOOK AND STATIONERY LINE Can be had Everything FirstClass AND AT Lovvee1 Prioes Call and be convinced at 76 MAIN STREET SALT LAKE CITY New JEWELRY Store 148 MAIN STREET Entire New Stock OF J DIAMcD1TID GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES CHAINS RINGS LACE PISS Marble Bronc Ebony and Walnut Clocks Solid Silver and Plated Ware Remember all my goods are new and of the Lateat Styles Jewelry manufactured to order at short notice no-tice Please call and examine my stock and prices L HOLLAKDEK The Old Reliable I CAllFORIA BREWERY Is again this year 1885producing tho Finest Lager Beer IX THE ROCKY JfOUN TA INS Bottled Beer a Specialty Try it and beconvinced Office 17 and 19 E 2d South Stteet Salt lake City HENRY WACENER Propr M SOWLES H M MILLER i SOWLES MILLER General Dealers in the I WHIT E Sewing Machines Orders by Mail will Receive Prompt Attention NEEDLES PARTS AND EXTRAS ALWAYS ON HAND M W First South St Salt Lake City E OAL 2 0 Rock Spring Weber Red Canyon I Pleasant Valley All the coals in the market and the very best of each 0 Coa1 Depot 1J P E = LY 01 A J GUNNELL Agent I OFFICEWasatch Corner XARDUtah Ce ntral Dcp1 BK Exchange Hotel OPPOSITE u c DEPOT SALT LAKE CITY UTAH lB F Whittemore Prop Firstclass Board and Room Accommodations Accommo-dations Board and Room 1 150 k 2 per Day Restaurant open at all hours DlIEAJJS 25 CENTS I TilE BAR IS STOCKED WITH FIRSTCLASS GOODS Notice to Creditors Estate of WILLIAM H PITTS Deceased JOTJCE IS HEREBY GIVEN BY THE UNdersigned 51 UN-dersigned administratrix of the Estate of William II Pitts deceased to the creditors of and all persons having claims against the said deceased to exhibit them with the necessary i vouchers within ten months after the first publication pub-lication of this notice to the said administra trix at the office of Sheeks Rawlins 42 East Temple street in the county of Salt Lake Administratrix i ISABEL M PITTS Of the Estate of William Pitts Deceased Dated at Salt Lake City March 25 1885 Notice to Creditors Estate of JAMES WATSON deceased is HEREBY GIVEN BY THE UN TOTICE administrator of the estate of 1 I ned i1 dersigned deceased to the creditors of and lames all Watson having claims against the said deceased persons exhibit them with the necessary eeased to within four months after the first vouchers of this notice to the said adminis publication of Tucker Wallace in Alta trator at the store Salt Lake County Utah City HENRY C WALLACE Administrator Date of first publication March 31 1885 MARSHALS SALE TO AN EXECUTION TO ME rURSUANT District r directed by the Third Judicial I shall at of the Territory of Utah expose court Sale at the front door of the Count Public house in the city of Salt Court of Salt Lake and Territory I Lake county 1885 at 2 da of April 2d day the of Utah on described property th the following oclock p Utah Territory to In Salt Lake county situated of Lot 5 Five in Block 66 SIxty I wit A part Beginning six Nat A Salt Lake City survey of said Lot and run I I at the southeast west corner 10 ten rods thence north 5 thence ning thence I thence east 9 nine rods rods five and thence west 10 one rods I north 5 five rods thence north 7 seven onehalf rods thence rods and ahal 2V two thence east seventeen 24 rods to the place of begin south 17 the west U half of Lot 6 six In ning Also sixtysix Plat A Salt Lake City Block 66 Together with all and singular the tenements survey hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging or In anywise appertaining and machinery buildings thereon the ing and all and fixtures in and and engines boilers cry with said buildings To be sold as connected Machine of the Salt Lake Foundry and the property Company et al at the snit of the Des chine Bank etc Terms of sale CASE eret National CAS-E A IRELAND U S Marshal j Dated March 11 IM5 DR PI STEINHART SPECIALIST FORMER PAUTSER OF DR 1MINTIE SAN FRANCISCO No 361 Main Street Opposite Overland House in Union Block Room No1 First Floor Can be consulted daily from 9 oclock to 12 oclock am and from 2 to 520 oclock pm Sundays from 10 am to 12 m lIe has had twentyfive years experience in the special treatment of all Venereal Sexual and Chroni Diseases Syphilitic or Mercurial Affections of the Throat Skin or Bones NERVOUS DEBILITY Impotency and Lost Manhood Exhausted Vitality Vital-ity Seminal Weakness Spermatorrhoea Paralysis Par-alysis and all the terrible effects of SelfAbuse youthful follies and excesses in matnrer years Nocturnal Emissions the effects of which are various maddening and destructive to both body and mind and unless cured will terminate termin-ate fatally The presence of the disease causes a continual consciousness of a slow and gradual grad-ual decaYof the power of bcdy and mind with loss of manly power and vigor defective memory mem-ory heart affections loss of sight noises In the head and cars confusion of ideas aversion to society excessive prostration trembling of the hands and limbs consumption marasmus and ultimate derangement of the mind The willpower will-power becomes so weak that the person seems to lose control of himself and cannot look ono square in the face It also causes Dyspepaip and Indigestion with Heart and Kidney Diseases idpeWorm Expelled in 24 Hours Piles Treated Successmiiy Cured Consultation at the oflice is FRKK and invited I Thorough examination and advice including analysis of urine 3 AU correspondence LIht1y florf1fletttIai 2753 Main streer Three Doors North of Clift House DR C W HIGGINS Microscopic and Anal tical riijsicinn THE MOST RELIABLE SPECIALIST Cures Fits in their worst forms and all Chronln Diseases Seminal Weakness Syphylis in all its forms Gonorrhoea fleet and all diseases ofa private and confidential nature DrH ban made these diseases a specialty for the past fifteen years Dr II has been in this ritv for the past thirteen years and in that Um has cured over 1000 of the above disease Suffering friends dont delay call at once and put yourself under Dr HS treatment The knowledge of disease is half its Cure Manyhave been rescued from the grasp 05 Itconcn ami Innth 1 > i Tnv TTIPfllPlrmS who Were J J given up as incurable by friends and physicians for the proof of this call and get their addresses ad-dresses and see them for yourselves CONSULTATION FREE Mrdteli given aicay to the poor DR H can be consulted daily at his office NO 272 Main St NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION NO 1932 LAND OFFICE AT SALT LVKE CITY March 16th 1835 TOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE NOTICE 1 settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim and that said proof will be made before be-fore the Register and Receiver at Salt Lake City on Saturday April 18th 1885 viz James S Crane Homestead entry No 3677 for theN the-N E K Sec 3 Tp 4 S R 2 W He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land viz Robert Dansle James Dan sie R A Crump Thomas Mumford all of Salt Lake county Utah H MCMASTER Register BIRD LOWE Attorneys for Appl Notice for Publication No 1934 U S LND OFFICE SALT LAKE CITY March 20 1885 TOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE NOTICE named settlers have filed notice of their intention to make final proof each in support of his claim and the said proof will be made before the Register and Receiver Re-ceiver at Salt Lake City on Saturday April 25 1885 towit James Hope Homestead Entry No 4698 for the SW Y SE V Sec 3 Tp 4 S R 1 E and he names as his witnesses Amos Thompson William Thompson John Spencer and Benj Thompson all of Salt Lake County Utah Gustavo Isaasen Homestead Entry No 4707 for S K NE 3 Sec 18 Tp 5 N R2 W and he names as his witnesses Hyrum Goodell John Smuen Robert Todd and R Van Dyke of Weber County Utah UtahH McMASTER Register BIRD tin LOWE Attys for Appls Notice for Publication No 1923 1 u S LAND OFFICE AT SALT LAKE CITY March 91885 OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE NOTICE settler has filed notice of his intention tomake fiial proof in support of his claim and that said proof will be made before be-fore the Register and Receiver at SaltIake City on Saturday April 11 1SS5 viz Samuel Norman Nor-man Homestead Entry No 3537 for the S y of SW 4 Sec 34 Tp 5 N H 1 W He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land viz Joseph E Hodson Joseph Allen John H Sill John Milliard of Davis county Utah H MCMASTER Register BraD LOWE Attys for Appelant Notice for Publication No 1915 U S LAND OFFICE SALT LAKE CITY Feb 271885 XTOflCE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE NOTICE named settlers have filed notice of their intention to make final proof each in support of his claim and that aaid proof will be made as follows towi John Flint Jr homestead entry Ifo 4673 upon the K SE qr Sec 24 Tp 4 N R2 W1 will make his proof before the Register and Receiver at Salt Lake City on Saturday April 111885 and names his witnesses Heber Hod son William Flint John Hodson and Edward I Philips Robert J Firth homestead entry No 6256 upon SE qr KE qr Sec 34 Tp 5 N R 1 W will make his proof before the Register anr I Receiver at Salt Lake Cityon Tuesday April 7 1885 and names as his witnesses Matbrv Young John Shipley Hf rum Alford and JcL IV Krebs II MCMASTER BIRD LOWE Reglstt Attys for Appls NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION No 1921 LAND OFFICE AT SALT LAKE CITY March 6 1885 TOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE 1 followingnamed settler has flIed notice of MB Intention to make final proof in support of ills claim and that said proof will be made before be-fore the Register and Receiver at Salt Lake City on Saturday April 11th 1885 vizrKnut forthe August Elg Homestead Entry No 3002 ast half southeast quarter sec 35 8 S6 Wand W-and Lot 1 and southeast quarter northeast quarter sec 2 Tp 9 S R 6 W lIe names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land viz H Bennion S II Bennion J L Paxton Joseph Bennion all of Tooele County Utah II MCMASTER Register Salt Lake City Soda WaterWorks II DENHALTER l SON Props Salt Lako City Utah Manufacturers of Soda Water Sarsaparilla Champagne Cider Ginger Ale Seltzer WaterS Water-S Appolinaris Water Vinegar Etc 28 8 30 West Third South i = kI SURGERY 0 TN THE DOMAIN OF SURGERY THE OPerations IN OP-erations and instruments devised and employed at DR FOOTS INSTITUTE are Eminently SuccessfuL Tho wonderful results obtained enable the least experienced and prejudiced to decide thattherecanbeno Quackery Quack-ery Deception practiced here The list of operations performed embrace all Surgical Diseases and Deformities known to the human form All forms of EYE Surgery Sur-gery are attended to with certain skill and care such as making Cross eyes straight without I pain in 3 minutes removIng re-moving Cataracts Weep ing Eyes etc Very successful treatment Is Ir tlalways given to the EAR De hc ijt i formllies of all kinds are particularly i particu-larly solicited as Club Feet i jmm i Bow Legs Knock Knees Weak I 5 Andes Hair Lip Cleft Palate c Hip Diseasesall TumorsCanccrs FIstulae etc All diseases of the 0 L FistulaeI Joints including Enlargements and White Swellings All Strictures cured by a newand improved method entirely painless GRAVEL AND STONE IN THE BLADDER dissolved and entirely removed without pain or knife PILES are removed by a new sate and painless pain-less method entirely free from bleeding loss of time from business or anything disagreeable or inconvenient as is always the case with other methods A cure is warranted in every case SPINAL CURVATURE or Hump Back Is relieved i and cured without pain or protracted treatmentthe patients height is often increased 2 to 3 inches by b the first applications The appliances and instruments In-struments used in DR 1 FOOTS INSTITUTE r have the double advantage i of costing less and being 3 much more comfortable than the usual ones employed em-ployed in tho West WestBOW BOW LEGSWe guarantee to L1 cure and straighten every case ife A no matter how bad Our treat ment gentle out certain The physician who relieves deformities is a great public benefactor so great is the remedial reme-dial power which science has nowatitscommand Wcbellevo 7 the time will soon come when LI deformities will become a rare S evil evilAll Invalids should a not miss consulting Dr e Foot or Assistants in person per-son or by letter c t r CLUB FEET There are four varieties va-rieties of Club Feet vizTalipcsValgU8 Equimues Varus y and Calcareus Two or more varieties may exist together However every case of any age CAN POSITIVELY id = = SECURED ANCHYLOSIS N of the Elbow and Knee Joints cured L ONE VISIT only f d is required In a majority of chronic chron-ic diseases The LI Doctor does business 1 busi-ness on the squaru c and will tell a patient pat-ient as NEAR THE TRUTH as possible If tho Doctor believes that your case can a be greatly improved impro-ved or cured ho will tell you so and if not he will not take under treatment Hundreds of your case the office Western testimonials are to be seen at l already OFFICE HOURS from 10 a m to tend 7 to 8 pm Dr Foot has secured Expert Specialists of New York for Women and Children Confinements Confine-ments etc Calls answered Immediately day or night to all parts of the city or country Also Expert Physicians and Surgeons sentto all parts of the West in answer to telegrams or letters CONSULTATION FREE AT Drl Foots B Hedical d Surgical Issltt 108 110 112 114 and 116 West 1st South Street Door West of Herald Building Salt LUe City Utah P S Invalids should call at once or write for list of questions A majority of cases can be treated just as successfully by letter as though personally examined Medicine sent everywhere every-where in concealed packagesby mail or express Books all sold for the present in Board at the Institute or private houses the City S500 to S1200 per week how can you tell whether or not you have any known or unknown disease lurking about your Fill a clean bottle with your urine tho system first voided in thc morning is the best Let it stand 21 to 48 hours then if there is any whitish of offen cloudy appearance or or ropy mucus If there Is any brick dust or sediment sive odor or ment of any kind at the bottom or greasy looking look-ing skum on top you positively need treatment I will prove If physician says you do not any that do or forfeit 51000 > and you should you write giving dlscription of urine and all other known symptoms at once to 5 Dr FOOT Tr 2ODoz 974 SALT LAES CITY UTAH I Two or more surgeons from Dr Foot Jrs Institute No2 Salt Lake City Utah will make one visit only thisyear south as follows 1 I NEPHI March 18th 19th and 20th SANTAQUIN March 21st PAYSON March 23d 24th and 25th SPANISH FORK March 26th and 27th SPRTNGVILLE March 28th PROVO CITY Mhrph 30th and 31st and April 1st |