Show I We Got Licked Sir They had a lively debate in the Arkansas Ar-kansas Legislature the other day over the bill granting cork legs to disabled soldiers sol-diers Mr Copeland eloquently advocated advo-cated the proposition to provide ex Federals as well as exConfederates with cork legs Speaking of thewar he saick We got licked At this Mr Avera sprang to his feet and said We didnt get licked The remainder of the debate is thus reported Mr Copeland We got licked we got licked sir thats what we got we got I well licked I Mr BridewollNo we didnt I say I we were overpowered but not whipped Mr CopelandYes we did we got licked and weve had enough of it Mr BridewellWe were not licked I Mr CopelandIf you had gone where I I and the Chair went during the war you would have been licked too Mr BridewellI was with Joe Johnston John-ston all through the Avar I was with him when he surrendered and I say we were not whipped Mr Copeland Well I was licked but perhaps you never got licked I am glad however that I am one of those men who know when Im licked I know how to holler when Ive had enough Of course a big question and onenot I to be hastily decided Possibly the Southern South-ern poet settled it when he said that we outnumbered outdone Many were however will be inclined to think that the situation in the South at the end of the war was similar to that of the fellow who came out of a fist and skull fight badly disfigured and so crippled that all the could see his inability to prolong struggle A sympathizing friend asked him if ho got licked Well responded the battered veteran meditatively I must say that I was powerfully fatigued Atlanta Constitution |