Show I TIlE nomination of Henry G Pearson as postmaster of New York is another evidence of the genuineness of President Clevelands sympathies for Civil Service Reform and causes the Independents to rejoice that they have not misplaced their trust in having sustained Cleveland throughout the campaign of last year This appointment is also a vindication of the statements made when Cleveland was nominated that he would be as true to his new position if elected as he had been to that of the governorship of New York When it was suggested that the reappointment of Pearson might create great dissatisfaction in the ranks of the Democratic party the President is reported re-ported to have said The Democratic party is neither hypocritical unpatriotic nor ungrateful It certainly will not be so long as Cleveland is its leader and the party will follow him But why should it be Is it not a party which more than I all others believes in the power of the I people and in their sense and integrity I in-tegrity That we shall have more Democratic theories and facts in Utah and less centralization in the future is a thing we sincerely believe and is a thing most worthy to try for Nowhere is there more need of Democracy than in Utah if the people are to have the first consideration consid-eration and nowhere has there been less of it Either party here the Peoples and the Liberal has been a party of centralization centrali-zation whose first aim was the power of the government and not the welfare of the citizens and from such theories of government I gov-ernment we are today suffering and shall I suffer so long as they prevail He Feared No Liviu Soul In a Grand street saloon seated around a table sat several Irishmen discussing the dynamite question One of the men was in favor of the use of kindly measures mea-sures and suggested arbitration as the means by which Ireland might be set free or the evils under which the Irish nation are now laboring might in some degree be mitigated when a sixfoot red headed Turk brought his brawny fist down upon the table with a bang that made the glasses jump and suggested an amateur dynamite explosion Begorra no mon but a shneakin coward cow-ard would say that I say down wid em Glory to God and dvimmita Id IniLo to be the wan as would blow ould England clane from the wather Phatts wanted is a brave mon phat fears no wan And thats Patsey Gallagher I fear no livin soul At this juncture the door was quietly opened and a harshfeatured rawboned Irish woman stuck her head into the room roomAn its there ye are Patsey Gallag her an me be lookin the place all over I fur ye loafm away yer teime wid a dhrunken lot of bums Come out of that I ye redheaded spalpeen an go home wid me and tend the childers phoile Im I after makin a call upon Mrs Gilhooley an if ye dont stir yer stumps moighty loively now ye will not be out fur St Patricks day parade bad luck to ye Patsey went yet he feared no livin I soulBrooklyn Times |