Show JURl ALs AXDBEPARTPHES OF MAILS t the SnUTjakc City Postofilce AKRIVE CLOSE Hasten 800 pm 730 am Califi int 1100 am 425 pm Month i h 800 pm 730 anr D < < jlasr 500 pm 1030 am Ogden i 1100 am 730 am Ogden 4 ah 800 pm 425 pm Park City 8KKpm 730 am Tooele County 400 pm 720 am Alta Utah 1020 am 630 ain Binghan ftau 400 pm 620 am Southern Vtei C50pm 620am The aby Isstm 1 rd mountain time JOIU If LYNCH Postmaster I d Salt Lake Ci ft Uta arch 22 1SS I I Siler Oaotatioas Corrected diLl > I W < Is Fargo Co1 I Silver New York 100 I Silver London 49 i Lead Xcw York per JCOlbk 370 I Sec This Gentlemen Youmans Cclcbruied New York Hats which lead the fashion in New York as well as in all cit eJ in the United States also Thos Townsend Cos English Hats NOBLE WOOD Co Sole Agents The Sideboard B Sprengers new saloon next to McKimmins livery stable has been christened the Sideboard It has been I elegantly fitted up in a new departure in Salt Lake in the manner of its arrangments Nothing but the very best of wines liquors and cigars will be kept and the resort will be strictly first class Mr Sprenger is well known in i Salt Lake and cordially invites his friends to call at the U Sideboard Protect Your Family It is the duty of every man rich or poor who has created a home to make some provisions against the inevitable for those who are dependent upon him and this most desirable result can be obtained ob-tained by procuring a policy in the Mutual Life Insurance Company of New York I the oldest active company in America and the largest life insurance company in the world Hates etc furnished by Louis Hvams Agent 55 Main street Hooper Efdridge Block Salt Lake City M Not Dooming Times are not booming but we are selling sell-ing some nice homes and very cheap building lots to those who are foresighted I enough to know that bedrock is reached We have money to loan at low rates KNOWLDEN GREENE Heal Estate Agents 161 MainSt under R Jones Cos Bank The Magnet 1 > We are now prepared to accommodate our customers and the general public with fresh Salt Lake City Beer at 5cts a glass 20cts a quart The Billiard and Pool department de-partment is separate The bar is well stocked and we will always be pleased to gee our old friends and new ones RUSSELL Co Props II Important Tho celebrated Vulcan Powder Company Compa-ny of California have appointed Mr F A Pascoe of this city their agent for Utah Territory WhEN the weary hungry traveler casts about for a place to lay his head he will find the best and most satisfactory meal i and bed at the White House 1 t ti > k < if y < < t i f t = < I Salt Lake City Brewing Company M CULLEN II W MORSE President VicePresident We are now prepared to receive orders for our CELEBRATED BUDWEISER LAGER BEER Special inducements given to purchasers I pur-chasers of carload lots Having given our careful attention to the selection of the finest material for the manufacture of beer after the Budweiser i process we are in a situation fn nionn ho u nn fcV SA4ll 17G 1 fore the public an article superior to any hitherto offered in this market Orders by telephone promptly attended to JACOB MORITZ Sec Treas dI HEESCJI ELLERBECK are the agents for the Exeter Heater a sample of which can be seen at their show rooms 3fo 49 E First South Street WE are offering an excellent quality fourbutton embroideredback Kid Glove at 1 fully worth 150 150Coils Coils BROS JohnTaylor SonNo 43 and 45 Second South Street have just received a choice lot of Spring and Summer Woolenswhich they offer to make up in firstclass style at greatly reduced rates IT < IF you want a good drink and the best of liqors go to Business Saloon c r > For a fashionable suit of clothes or anything else in the tailoring line at I most reasonable prices go and talk to H F CLARK Old Herald building A MOST complete line of Double and Single Thick Glass at prices to suit the times at MASON Cos 225 W South Temple Street CALL at 55 Main Street and amplee of Utah Soap examine r I MULLOY PAUL Salt Late e Livery and Transfer Stables AND OMNIBUS LINE Nos55 37 Second South St opp Opera House SALT LAKE CITY UTAH Telephonic Connection with Hotels and Orders Receive Prompt Attention MORRIS The P Painter tl I I L 5 w BOLIVAR ROBERTS W A NELDE ROBERTS S NELDElT I I tY t SAND S-AND Assayers Goods TO I We offer to the Trade the Largest and Best Stock of 1 old Drugs Assayers Material and Toilet Article Druggists Sundries in Mllrectloif Surgica1 X33jst3ruL333otjs Etc E1t I Street Ever Brought to this Market 1 do tggI Ian the lanyone We are Agents for all the Leading Lines of Goods we carry and can offer Belt 1 Address Salt Lair1 Prices than ever given before Entire Drug Stores Furnished at Five Days Notice F We are Never Undersold 161 u All we OiTrjto for 2 = rico or sosod sa Trial Ordcl 1 220 Main Street Opposite Postofllce Salt Lake City Utah M BS Fa Postofficc Box 973 Telephone j P L PASCOE DEALER IN FJ Lime Cement Plasler Hair Building Rock Salt TERBA COTTA N lender AGENT FOR The Utah Lime and Cement Company Sanpete Palace Stone Company Ftali United States Encaustic Tile Company Indianapolis Ind F Beck Cos if B T L TT 7 r Or jancrusra riangings flew xoric Manilla mulcting Material iMar bleized Mantels Grates Architectural Sheet Metal Work I VULCAN POWDER COMPANY Etc WARWICK BLOCK First South Street SALT LAKE CITY r S 31mm i = lnsofs CLIFT O SE Co SALT LAKE CITY LE Rates i 150 to i 2 per Day Corner Main and Third South Sts ° Lou JS O 23 A XKTC3 Prop Oillaitf w Satisfactory Rates Made By Week or Month OtBosto F E SCHOPPE Wholesale and Retail Dealer in STOVES 1 I rL CJast and Wrought Iron RANGES T7 X3XT Copper and SheetIron Work 253 S MainSt Salt Lake City MADSENS Furniture Emporium I Wholesale and Retail Dealer IPTJ lnsrXTTJ S ES 2 Upholstery Carpets Of Every Description I have Just opened in my New Warerooms the Mct I EiOS 22t Finest and Complete Stock OF Furniture Ever brought to Utah Call and examine mv Grinds ami Plnno ft 1 au 40 > ca uuu SUHSiy yourself and remember ff am Never Undersold 51 53 FIRST SOUTH STREET East of Deseret National Bank and 42 S MAIN STREET P wu 11adsen EARLY BREAKFAST Cook Stoves Paris Baiiges Stove Trimmings WHOLESALE AND RETAIL P W MADSEN CO 51 53 E r First South St 1 I CALIFORNIA WINE CO WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Whiskies Wines and Cigars OPPOSITEJTHE WALKER HOUSE Salt Lake City < I WOOLF Agent BONNERUD FIELDING Contractors Builders PRESSED BRICK PROXTS A SPECIALTY Salt Lake City Utah Stationers Booksellers Des Order your Goods of us by Mall or Telephone x > r call at our store by the Postoffice on Main Street SCHOOL BOOKS Paid In Surplus NEWSPAPERS Eld MAGAZINES Yin Jen eramorz ARTISTS SUPPLIES lohri Sha Win W OF EVERY KIND S Hill c Subscriptions taken for any Perlodleil as TLt in the World ReL C H Parsons Co and ancis don an THE EAGLE FOUNDRY Ifalces And Machine Co MCC IRflJ liNn DDACO rniiunrno Hn ruunucno SALT AND MACHINISTS Tranczc 73 75 77 and 79 W Second South Street SALT LAKE CITY Import Comma First N4 Chemic Omaha Manufacturers of Furnace Jlininpr and First N Milling Machinery Mining Cars and Car Kountzl Wheels Slag Pots Burs and Pans for Sample State Mills Etc Cast and Wrought Iron FeneInJr and Crockea Cresting and all kinds of Builders Iron Work City Na including Ornamental Columns for front and Interior Supports Orders i R JONI promptly filled and all work Rtia anteed T Mrs Dr M B Mallorys za eclica1 Par1ors No 24 W Third South Street scroll to Salt L west of curt House GENERAL PIACIl TIONER Treats all Diseases Acute or ChrunlJ Tran8cz Obstetrics Diseases of Women and Mldrea Pneumonia Scarlet Fever and DiphtheriJ given special attention by combining Internal medication with our New Triple Medicated Dealers Iedlcatj Vapor Baths Can remove all poisons mercU Careful lead syphilitic etc Invaluable to Con umpl nmtauce ives Office Hours 8 to 12 am and 3 to 7 pD Long c > W Mallory General Assistant rates of c References Messrs F Foote Assayer Special George Davis Merchant and Be SALT LAKE CITY UTAH solicited Advanl and Silvl ELIASONS New Omab Clii 142 MAIN STREET F I You cnn < 5ml the largest assortment of Deny I Gold Silver Watches 1 I 1 We JEWELRY OF ALL KINDS otnd everything needed in that lineal Vx3 icwt PriceS 39g L ESTABLISHED ISfrl JOSEPH E TAYLOR sold UNDERTAKER Lale SPed of rent rat r nd Ira Hafn 4W ent a lOW y Peciaj A Complete Stock of WOOD METALLIC al executi iMJTHCOVERED 4 lila COFFINS AND CASKETS receLve lUg co Cqpstantljr line cf on hand Also a full BURIAL ROBES New Masonic Odd Fellows and Knights of Pytbia > 8an F y emblems furnished on hearse OPEN DAY and < c re E3SVDAY AND NIGHT Factory t5 Chicago rooms No 253 E FirSt Southstreet Telephone Ctlidinll No 70 Denver THOSTW JENNINGS Bt Omaha ° fldo Loni Orl REMOVED TO No 35 W First South Street First door east of Dimvoodeyd store P D SPRAGUE f L Passenger and Baggage Transfer Nos To and from all Trains to any Hotel or Private Residence in the City Orders received at White House thrOugh telP Teloph0 Phone No 152 or left on slate ALL ORDERS OIVBNjBpJtPT ATTKSTlW |